Classical Guitar, studio in c major - Campaign Your Upvote = A Guitar (Video)

in #music8 years ago (edited)

Hello dear friends, I'm still gathering to buy me my own guitar, as it is known by followers, only I have borrowed guitars to study and really here in my country Venezuela, basic food basket exceeds my budget income, so I have not been able to buy my own guitar which ranges in middle range, new $ 140 and I will be asking their help to meet them through the profits of my post in Steemit , until Steem raise its value, I have to 79 Steem gathered for this cause, have not changed them because I am of those who believe much in this platform and I will not give my steem to $0.13 steem is worth much more than that!.


We need to help all to grow the platform for the sake of everyone in the community, really represents a great help and a great project, here is another of my videos, studio in c major, which is part of the classical guitar program at the school of music, thank you very much for all your support. Happy beginning of week that all its projects are successful! and happy halloween!

Follow me, Resteem and Upvote!

Versión en Español

Vivir la música, Estudio en Do Mayor - Campaña Tu Upvote = Una Guitar (Vídeo)

Hola queridos amigos sigo reuniendo para poder comprarme mi propia guitarra como es sabido por los seguidores sólo cuento con guitarras prestadas para estudiar y realmente aquí en mi país Venezuela la cesta Básica de alimentos excede mi presupuesto de ingresos así que no he podido comprar mi propia guitarra que oscila en 140$ de media gama, nueva y estaré pidiéndoles su ayuda para poder reunirlos mediante las ganancias de mis post en Steemit, hasta que el Steem suba su valor, tengo ya cerca de 79 Steem Reunidos para esta causa, no los he cambiado porque soy de las personas que creen mucho en esta plataforma y no pienso regalar mi steem a $ 0.13
el steem vale mucho más que eso!.


Tenemos que ayudar todos a que la plataforma crezca por el bien de todos en la comunidad realmente representa una gran ayuda y un gran proyecto aquí les dejo otro de mis vídeos de un Estudio en Do Mayor que es parte del Pensum de Guitarra Clásica en la Escuela de Música muchas gracias por todo su apoyo. Feliz inicio de semana que todos sus proyectos sean exitosos! Feliz halloween!

Siganme, Resteem y Upvote!


Upvote and followed. Good luck getting your own guitar. I remember trying to scrounge money for my first guitar when I was about 15 years old. I sold everything I could for a $30 Peavey Profile electric guitar and a small $20 amp I got at a pawn shop. Now it's been almost 20 years playing guitar and I haven't regretted a second of it.

Thank you, the music is part of my life and as well as your am fighting by get my own guitar, thank you for your helps! beautiful words

Since you are posting music related stuff here maybe you are interested to create some connection. We have NEWS: We are testing our first live streaming. Please give us your feedback!

happy!, I will check it and you write, thank you for your upvote

You have a wonderful vibe, I'm sure the universe will provide :) Followed you

thank so much, Thank you for your beautiful words ;)

thank you so much for loving music as much as I do :) I have some original instrumental music videos on my page I think you would enjoy~bless

of course, to visit your blog to enjoy these videos, I am already following

thank you, salud!

Tambien vivo en Venezuela y entiendo tus didicultades. Te deseo mucha suerte amiga. Tienes talento :D

En que parte de Venezuela Vives?, siempre me alegra encontrar venezolanos en la plataforma, esta es una buena oportunidad para combatir esta gran crisis que nos tiene tan afectados, gracias por tu ayuda un abrazo desde San Cristobal!

Hola @betamusic.
Vivo aca en Margarita, la conoces? Si, la crisis es demasiado duro y no veo cambio cerca. Sigue con tu musica, es comida para el alma y veo que tienes talento :D

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Beautiful playing. I play guitar too. Really appreciate the finger-picking and classical style guitar playing, I'm just not that good at it from spending most of my time practicing with a pick. Keep up the great work. I'm cheering for ya :)

por que comprar una de media gama? solo espera se paciente y veras que pronto te compras la guitarra de tus suenios! Upvoted
estuve en Venezuela el anio pasado y es un pais hermoso!!!

Graciass!! @ozzy-vega muchas gracias poco a poco mi sueño se hace realidad gracias a ustedes la comunidad de Steemit, ya puedo soñar en grande, si Venezuela es el pais mas hermoso jejeje sus playas, sus montañas andinas, su gente todo es muy bello, gracias por tu apoyo

Hope u get enough votes to get your guitar soon. Thanks for upvoting my content. Upvoted.

thanks to you ! ;)

This is great that you did an english and spanish version.

thanks so much ;)

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