Expressions of Stone Arhat’s Face, 2nd

in #museum5 years ago

It seemed that the mason who carved those sculptures tried to show all kinds of feelings in Human. In my guess, the mason must’ve been an one man. All of these hundreds of stone arhats looked slightly different each other. In this exhibition, it looked liked that more than hundred sculptures were displayed in the room. In my guess, many of them were missing util having been excavated. So relatively well preserved sculptures seemed to be displayed in this exhibition.

I could not imagine to differentiate human face expressions into 5 hundreds kinds. Looking at these sculptures, I was curious we human could make such a many expressions with our small face.
In my view, every faces of arhats were slightly different each other. To make this slight difference, only one man could classify each other.

The mason tried to express all of human feelings, in this post I’d like introduce some of sculptures among them.

In my guess, the expressions below looked like

a smile, but not ordinary smile. This arhat loved to joke, may be.

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It looked like a grief ?

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a satisfaction with something in his hands ?

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This arhat seemed to meditate.

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Very good posts that are unique sculptures, rarely do people meet like this, it's great that your posts are amazed by your posts.

That looks good i think its grandma and the previous post was a lady..nice sir @slowwalker

Awesome post...... And... Excellent photography.. I love it... My friend

@slowwalker, These stone sculptures of Arhats very similar each others. But face expressions different after looking very closely. But I can't put my opinion without see real. I believe your guess very correct. However excavated most important older once. The final Arhat action's very close to meditation reaction. Exactly perfect introduction you provided here.

That's so great and incredible pictures you shared from there nice

That is really nice, I remember when my son was little and we played the game when I had to guess how he felt himself, so he also made so many different expressions of his face. I can imagine that they also asked the children to do that time when they were carving such faces in stones. Really interesting, thank you for sharing the pictures from exhibition :)

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