mundane as art round 12 — door knobs and handles — release

in #mundaneart6 years ago

I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons
knocking on a door
it opens
I’ve been knocking from the inside

ISO 100| 50mm| f/1.8 | 1/2500s

don't be discouraged
it's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock
Author Unknown

ISO 100 | 50mm | f/4 | 1/125s

if you can find a path with no obstacles,
it probably doesn't lead anywhere
Frank A. Clark

ISO 100 | 50mm | f/3.2 | 1/30s

no destiny attacks us from outside
but, within him, man bears his fate
and there comes a moment when he knows himself vulnerable;
and then, as in a vertigo, blunder upon blunder lures him
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

ISO100 | 50mm | f/3.5 | 1/25s

photos captured at Westfield Heritage Village, Rockton Ontario

photos by
Nikon D3100
Nikkor Lens 55mm
Adobe Lightroom

©All rights reserved, 2018

Thank you @kus-knee (The Old Dog)
for initiating the #mundaneart photo contest


I agree with John!!!! They are each so unique!!! But I think the last has my heart.... It's so simple and clever... I'm the type of person that prefers function over form... And simplicity over complexity.... Looks like something that would have been used over and over... Probably even taken for granted.

But then.. one day, years later... Someone returns to this loved place, and instead of opening the door right away... Touches the wood gently and lovingly- hoping to absorb some of the reserved warmth from past hands that have held it

I often think about things like that...I have a post I'll write someday hehehe

Thanks for kneading my imagination today hehehe ♥️

The last one eh? hmmm...I entered the third one!!! Oh, nooooooo!!! I probably should have done an explanation about each and where I found them

The one you like or love....was on the door of a cabin. There were about three of four of these cabins set around a community fire pit, and a church of course. Every street needs one :)

The first door knob door is from the community centre/church. Two churches in one community?? Whose ever heard of such a thing?

The second and third door knobs are from the inside of the train caboose. I know....very interesting.

I need to go back there. The smells and quiet were amazing. I shot 200 photos today.

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These are all quite nice. I particularly like the lighting and shadow in that second shot. It reminds me of one I took years ago, while living in an old house in rural South Dakota...

The texture in the third one is also fascinating. It looks like rust has begun to do it's work!

It also looks like you're getting a lot of nice shots out of that 50mm!

I took 200 photos today. Practiced using only the aperture priority mode....and learned a lot about changing it to accommodate different lighting. I am happy with my shots today because I was purposeful.

I've learned so much from you guys....I pick it up on the sneak.

Glad you like them. My entry is the third one....I knew it when I captured it.

These are so beautiful. I am constantly reminded of the historical architecture versus today. There is no comparison between door closures of old and today. You captured them beautifully. I hope you had a lovely Easter day with family @countrygirl

This was such a beautiful little historic's not far from us but we never visited before. So glad we did. I loved it there. It's only open for 4 hours on Sunday and Statutory holidays and it takes about 3 hours to go through everything. We only had about 1.5 hours so we'll go back for sure.

Glad you liked them too!

These are all fantastic! And Rockton, Ontario? I grew up in Rockton, Illinois.

We always seem to have a connection to a city.....Simcoe....Rockton....hehe....Thanks Mel!

I love how each door has its own uniqueness about it. Modern door knobs just do not have the same character about them.

That is so true.....I love all things old. There is always a story. One day, my things will be old and provide stories. That's a scary thought :)

Wonderful color and contrast on your doors. I love the way older one's look. It gets the mind wandering:)

Thank you @prydefoltz. Hope you enjoyed your day today :)

I did. Hope you had a wonderful one too:)

Very cool post!

Hey you!!! Thanks a lot!!

Different views expressed in different doors. I liked it very much. It is very beautiful, illustrated by a picture, for example. Thank you very much for sharing the post.

Oh hello again :) Thanks for such a lovely comment.

each of these door knobs and handles evince a special character from charm to patina - all are aged and breathe an aura of the past, so it all comes down to a matter of taste. Frankly, I love them all :)

It was fun finding them - I do hope to go back.....and to other places like it....soon.

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