Multiple Sclerosis. One of the 'Invisible' Illnesses. Part 1

in #multiplesclerosis8 years ago (edited)

After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2011 I realized since I still looked and acted the same as I did before my diagnoses ... so, for the most part everyone treated me the same.  Don't get me wrong, I wasn't looking for a pity party. But, perhaps some validation for what I had been going through for probably decades before being diagnosed would have been nice.  You see for years I had been running to the doctor with all of these weird symptoms but all of my tests came back normal.  It wasn't until the stress of going through a very difficult divorce pushed my symptoms through the roof and I took to the Internet to diagnose myself.  After much research I believed my symptoms were related to either Fibromyalgia or MS.  Since there isn't a test for Fibromyalgia I went to a neurologist and told him I wanted to have an MRI to see if I had any 'lesions' on my brain, which is used to diagnose multiple sclerosis.  He agreed, but told me since my main symptom was pain and HIS professional opinion was that pain is not generally associated with pain.  

Well, the MRI showed many lesions and a lumbar puncture was also ordered.  This also showed abnormalities associated with MS.  This neurologist still insisted I get a second opinion before he would "officially" diagnose Multiple Sclerosis.


based on your username alone, I already followed before I even started reading.. I too am trying to bring awareness but to mental health. You have my support in your journey.. please check out my videos and profile to see if you might have something to contribute. Good Luck

What are the best natural treatments?

@jamesc @ms-awarness Fibromyalgia is a direct result of iodine deficiency (as are all cystic conditions in the body and a number of cancers). 98% of Americans do not have enough iodine, because it the essential nutrient is not readily available in the food supply anymore. Heavy metal deposits seem to be a factor in developing multiple sclerosis, and iodine detoxes heavy metals, halogens, and even radiation. It's super super super super super super important, and people are woefully lacking--even the 150 mcg RDA recommended by the FDA is pitifully low compared to what people (especially women!) actually need. It's required by every cell in the body for every chemical reaction, and it's the missing keystone to health!

Also, colloidal gold is a powerful anti-inflammatory that specifically targets the nervous system--we're seeing incredible results in applying it to those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (relief within 15 minutes!). My understanding of its mechanisms of action suggest it will bring relief for multiple sclerosis as well, but we're still gathering evidence for it.

Both iodine and colloidal gold are successful in treating auto-immune disorders.

Eating healthy foods. Stay away from processed foods. This is why the GMO issues are so important to all of us. They don't know what causes auto-immune diseases, but I believe if we are eating and breathing pesticides, who knows what it can do to some of us!
I have gotten great benefits from essential oils, massage and acupuncture.

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