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RE: The Voluntary Exchange Podcast - Jerusalem

in #mspsteem7 years ago

I'm not surprised that Syria arms Hizbollah. I'm not even surprised that Israel "supports" the Sunni groups in Syria against Assad. My issue again is as an American, any group declaring allegiance to Ayman_al-Zawahiri is my enemy, and having my government support these groups is treason in my humble opinion.

Now why they support these groups is the question. Is it FOR Israel? Or is it for "American interests" and those line up with those of Israel. I happen to think it's a mix of both. American interests have melded with Israeli interests over time, because of the likes of AIPAC, Bill Kristol, the Kagans, and Sheldon Adelson.

This goes back decades, and American patriots are tired of it.

I don't want the US policy towards Israel to switch to support for the Palestinians. I want the US government to have no policy towards Israel. Other an open free market trade.


You've been supporting the "palestinians" for decades! You rescued Arafat from Lebanon, check out this article to see the billions your country has given the "palestinians".

Funding both sides is really the way we do things. But I'm not going to ignore the facts on the ground. The Israeli lobby in America has the ear of Washington D.C.

And the Arabs are voiceless?

Dude, the simple reality of American politics is that Israel has more influence than the American people when it comes to foreign policy.

More than the Saudi's? That's not the simple reality I can point to a long list of anti-Israel actions by your government if you want?

I would appreciate your input on my recent pro-israel articles.
I call myself pro-israel not for any ethnic or nationalist reasons but because I have learned what their enemies say about themselves what they describe as their motives. Don't silence the arab leaders voices.

I don't support any nation state that expands its borders and removes people from plots of land and replaces them with people from oceans away who's families come from another place on the planet thousands of miles away. I don't care about the historical context.

I don't care for the right-wing government in Israel and the things their politicians say.

I won't support any state. Especially one that operates as Israel does.

I don't think the Arabs are better people, I simply find it irrational to not see the difference in power between the two sides.

22 Arab countries vs Israel that is a big discrepancy in power.

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