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RE: Is @msgivings A Sock Puppet Account?

in #msgivings8 years ago

I have to respond to this post since I am mentioned.

First @msgivings does a lot of good posts with interesting topics that have a lot broad appeal. I try to support content that is going to pull in a wide audience. That's what we need here.

Also, look at the voting pattern. Other whales and some known bots are simply early voting me. I am voting very late on almost all posts these days so that no one accuses me of voting for curation rewards. I'm voting for authors almost exclusively. I am also doing all manual voting even though I am voting with about 50 accounts, one of which is @itsascam, in case people are curious why its votes correlate so highly with @steemed.

The rational response for minnows is not to get jealous of successful authors and waste a lot of time complaining. The rational response is to simply get an alert that tells you when my author list posts and then vote earlier than me and you will earn vesting rewards.

And for the moral high grounders out there, this is a decentralized system so no matter how you engineer it, there will be market inefficiencies until an equilibrium is reached. If you don't like unusually high payouts, then write a big scandalous post about how the constant influx of new rules create a constant state of disequilibrium.

Advisement: as new rules are implemented, new disequilibria arise, and smart people will find ways to capitalize on those disequilibria. Instead of complaining about free market actors, complain about the rule makers. I know that falls on deaf ears, but at least I said it. Remember: they are whales for a reason.


I love complaining about rule makers!

Thanks for explaining this @steemed. Good content is subjective, and what I may love, you may not and vice versa. I like that anyone can determine what content should be well paid. I like the transparency of the blockchain allowing users to research exactly what is going on behind the scenes too.

Some thought that @msgivings was some sort of account that whales would vote on and just share their own profit. This seems like a far fetched plan, since you can see money transferred back and forth between accounts if that were the case.

I hope that instead of anyone being jealous of a successful writer, they are inspired to branch out and venture into new water and try their hand at writing a multitude of different content.

I should also point out that this very comment and voting strategy is an example of what might be going on here... You commented as @steemed and then upvoted it with @itsascam. By doing that you printed SBD for yourself, which is something that most users can't do... Most users struggle to accumulate enough voting weight in a single account to add a few cents. You apparently have 50 accounts which are worth voting with. That's pretty obscene...

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