Video Update: Loan Project by Virtualgrowth and MrWang

in #mrwang7 years ago

Look at What I'm Driving...

...You Make My Dreams Come True...

hehe, The song by Hall and Oates was just perfect for this video.. had to use it

Stay tuned for follow up videos & the progress of this loan project.

Special Thanks To Everyone Particpating

@virtualgrowth @quinneaker @streetstyle @kenny-crane @holozor @patelincho @reedracer @mattclarke @konelectric @jphenderson @gohba.handcrafts

Till Next Time... Adios Amigos

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A true Steem powered truck.

hahaha, I know right?

ahhh, this comment is prolly where I got the "yeehaw" inspiration in my response to @virtualgrowth comment somewhere in here...

... sorry, my ADD is acting up.. can't stay focused long enough to tell you thank you ve.. hey look I made another video, check it out

Trolling On STeemit

is it too late to take my adderal? Back on track..

"First Official Steem Powered Truck"

Don't know why.. I just feel like a badass when I add "First Official Steemit..." in front of anything I create.

Super glad your back on the road and functioning in your life. Especially as your a father. Lot of responsibility there. Its tough these days to get much done without a reliable ride.
Thats why I chose to help out as it did not appear anyone else was going to do it.
Though honestly I find it quite disrespectful and ungrateful to say look what mrwang and virtual growth did when I am the one who put up the 1,500sbd....WHat you guys did was ask for money for days....What would that have been worth without the 1,500sbd?
I did this to help someone I thought was in need. I will actually loose quite a bit of money by doing this as I could have made a couple hundred already on it trading bitcoin.
The least you could do is make a point to thank me for my gracious contributions.
Wish you the best regardless bro.

I'm very thankful for your willingness and wanting to fund this loan project... I thought I expressed my gratitude in a previous post but if I didn't.. I apologize.

This is an idea that me and @virtualgrowth wanted to experiment with and you are a huge contributor in making it happen. Once again, thank you for your generosity and kind heart.

Yea I know it was your idea and I know virtual growth is the one that promoted it....For DAYS while you had no ride, the only posts you even posted for days was needing to get ur ride and no one stepped up besides me.
Im sure your grateful to have 1,500sbd. Who wouldn't be.
Im grateful to have helped you as I stated, especially as your a father. Im a father too and there is nothing more important.
Though the facts of the matter are I helped you to be generous and its actually costing me, when no one else would. Then you make a video about it and don't even mention me in it hahahaha. Those are facts bro.
I think ur a cool dude, the video was cool too and I don't think you are purposefully trying to be disrespectful and I don't need you to kiss my ass or anything. Your a man and I don't expect any kind of groveling. Im just expressing my observations based on the course of events and that facts of the matter. It seems strange to me to be posting a video about how cool you are for requesting someone loan you 1,500 but fail to recognize the one who actually put up the 1,500 hahaha
Do whatever you want. I wish you the best and do hope to work with you in the future. Your quite good on camera and with video production. Respect for that!

hahahahaha yea thats what I was looking like after I saw this post.

Great to see your truck back on the road and we'll be looking forward to more.

Yeehaw.. lol, don't know why I just did that.. but hot dam, I'm happy as heck to have it on the road too. Stay tuned and thanks.

Drive your ass on over this way.

Hey awesome you two are friends! We should all get together sometime and have some fun and make some videos!

We'll be in the DFW area the 1st weekend of August Drop me a line on dsicord @xtrodnarypilot#8410 @xtrodinarypilot or google hangouts [email protected].

Cool, lets be in touch and see what works out!

running errands and trying to get all this situated before I got some free time.

i'll hit you up tho

Great to see it running again.

Wow excellent brother post, very good content!

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