in #movies7 years ago

As cryptosphere continues to proliferate, my inner child poped out and urged for a hero I was so blindly amazed back in my early days. How can I outflank this guy while writing a blog about loony individuals from the big screen. Too cool to be overlooked.


Is there a BATcoin or something like that??

OK, you don't expect that a character like this can be analyzed, or even perceived as a real person but I'll give it a try. Let's putt him in context of reality. My usual night in psychiatric ER. Few patients with psychotic decompensations, a few acute reactions to stressful events maybe someone suicidal... and ...A bat! Holly shit, right! Isn't it strange that nobody perceives that as a totally crazy? Like yeah, I guess he has some issues... prolonged mourning for his parents, no girlfriend, no friends, living with a boring old guy...seems kinda wacky. But dressing up as a rodent running through the night...nah, nothing strange about that. That's cool man!

ROUGH ANALYSIS OF BRUCE WAYNE'S/BATMAN'S MENTAL STATUS (I've pin pointed few features, not the whole status)

Character of Batman/Bruce Wayne was depicted in countless ways and forms over the decades so I won't focus on any particular variant. I can't say that I've read the comics, so don't blame me if I've unforeseen an important piece of the puzzle in formation of this exciting character. I'll stick to the facts brought to us by movie franchise.



Strong, muscular, well trained. Kind of donnish and stark. Other than that, nothing exceptional. Did I forget his outfit? Seems like this guy's not that into colors, right?


A silent type, well spoken. No sings of severe pathology according to his train of thought. However, an idea to dress as a bat, chasing criminals in his messian mission to save his beloved Gotham City seems peculiar at best. Is this some kind of a delusion? Well, borderline.


First sign of trouble. Reduced mimics. No signs of joy, sadness, fear...He's too cool for that anyway.


You wouldn't blame him to be depressed if you see what he's been through with his parents killing before his eyes. He's not a chappy guy, we know that, butt doesn't meet any diagnostic criteria for any mood disorder. Maybe bit dystimic, but nothing more than that. Doesn't even seem dysphoric, as you'd expect from someone who suffer a great amount of psycho trauma in his boyhood.



Gold medal for motivation. His spirit can't be killed as we know that very well. But what drives him?


Extremely reduced social circle. Alfred is the only person in the world he trusts unconditionally. He's fond to Gordon and that's about it. I won't include Robin and Batgirl as they only appear in shitty sequels in which are far from being stupendous in any way. His Self seems to be shaky even though I believe he has unblurred vision about who he is and what are his goals. Still, is he Gotham's celebrity, or a guy dressing as a rodent? How can you reconcile these diametrically opposite aspects of his identity? According to his romantic relationships I'd say he's developed the pattern of avoidant insecure attachment (referring to theory of object relations). He's clearly a loner and doesn't seem to have a problem with it.



Highly intelligent, possibly a genius. A genius rodent. Again, cool as fuck. I love you Batman!


OK, he doesn't have to do anything except satisfying his basic needs as he has it all before him on a silver plate. But what if some moron who manages his finances throws everything to some shitcoin in FOMO madness and burns the Wayne Enterprise to the ground? I think he'd be fucked. He doesn't know where he's keeping his socks, and I assume his cooking skills would not meet the conditions needed for making a sandwich. How would he make money for living? No education as far as I know and I don't believe he has worked a day in his life. Conventional life is a no no for him. I think he'd crumble. Real life Batman of course.



Does he know that wearing a bat suit and doing what he does is kinda crazy? Dunno, I wouldn't say so. But still, he has his both feet on the ground. Unless he's gliding through the Gotham sky.


Now and than throughout the franchise you'll see he still has flashbacks of the night his parents got killed in front of his eyes, often ruminating the unfortunate event. A psychotrauma serious as this one could easily be a precipitated factor in development of psychosis in a genetically predisposed person. We don't have any info of mental illness in his family, as far as I know so we don't know his genetic basis. Still, PTSD elements in traumas like this will hardly avoid the poor fella.

So, why is he wearing tights?


Something as mad as wearing a bat suit would usually indicate a serious mental disorder. But, he doesn't seem disorganized in his behavior. It's fully intended. It's practically indestructible, full of all these cool gadgets. Scares the hell of his opponents . It improves his stealth, he can fly, he can't be hurt by the gunfire... OK, It's not just a pair of black tights. I'd wear it if I had it. For a party.


Meets certain criteria for a chronicled form of PTSD as well as consequent personality changes. He doesn't seem schizophrenic nor delusional, even though he's not far from „dancing with the devil on a pale moonlight.“ He meets certain criteria for the schizotypal personality disorder - peculiar, eccentric or unusual thinking, beliefs or mannerisms, belief in special powers, peculiar style of speech, flat emotions or limited or inappropriate emotional responses. Schizotypal personality disorder is sometimes considered to be on a spectrum with schizophrenia, with schizotypal personality disorder viewed as less severe. While people with schizotypal personality disorder may experience brief psychotic episodes with delusions or hallucinations, the episodes are not as frequent, prolonged or intense as in schizophrenia.


Diagnosis according to ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases ) - 10th revision

F62 Enduring personality change after catastrophic experience

F21 Schizotypal personality disorder


A combination of medication and one or more types of psychotherapy. My pick would be CBT (cognitive behavioral psychotherapy). I think there's a high risk that Batman would slide into psychotic state if psychoanalytical therapy would be conducted.


Is there any other character you'd like to dissect?

Psychologically of course! ;)


Feel free to Upvote and comment!

What's your favorite character?? :)

Check out @buzzbeergeek for beer and crypto! @kingscrown crypto @ssekulji motosports !!

Cheers my dear STEEMEES!!!



i couldn't agree with you more! well done!

My favourite hero. Great analysis. I have never viewed him in this way 👌

Thanks man! :)

That Batman movie with Val Kilmer as Batman had some interesting psychology kick in it. That ink blot test and all that...

Thats very interesting. Thanks for sharing-

Very detailed. Good. successful with your vocation.

wow! Interesting topic. I love the way that you presented your study, and then showed us how you came to your diagnosis, and I LOVE that you even had a diagnosis.

Found you in the Adsactly post promo :)

Kind words @princessmewmew ! :)

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