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RE: Review of Thor Ragnarok

in #movies5 years ago (edited)

Farm-to-table-meaty. ROFL. I mean....doesn't that go without saying?

Honestly, though, I'm not much of a farm-to-table person, you know? I know, it's weird. And don't get me wrong, muscles are nice I guess? But I prefer the kind of muscles that are surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid and are separated into various lobes and cortices.

Now THOSE muscles are sexy.


Lol you must be a rare species then from my personal experience I always get told you such a smart and funny guy and in a few weeks she’s with some muscle bound brute that needs to wear valcro shoes because tying their laces is too complex a task

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Hmmm. I think I dated one muscle guy once. In high school. He was damn cute. And I was damn bored. I have always liked the intellectual types. Not that muscular guys can't be intellectual, but if he's spending that much time on his abs, then it's less time he has spent cultivating his intellect.

I think it should be a balance.

Oh, wait, there was this one other guy in college. Pretty muscular. And Russian. And passionate. And good looking. And super smart. But, I dunno. Just kind of took the spoon-fed approach to life. Didn't wanna push the boundaries, and always just took things for what they seemed. And that boring! I like a challenge. Original thought. Self-inflicted self discovery. Raw material. That sort of thing.

I adore people who are too brainy for their own good, and have difficulty "fitting in" to mainstream because they are meant for better things, but haven't quite figured out what, or maybe they have. Which is why I fit in here. Too many geeks with nothing to do. It's awesome.

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