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RE: The Main Man Lobo Wants His Own Movie….You Fraggin’ Bastiches!

in #movies7 years ago

Interesting. Never heard of Lobo before. I think if they ever were to make a movie about him, and stayed true to the comic, that it will probably create a cult following.

Can't think of any character I would like to see right now. But, let me ask you a questions: Who would you choose to play him in the movie? Do you have an actor in mind?


That's a tough question. I've never envied casting agents, especially when it comes to comic movies. Fans can be brutal. Look at what happened when they cast the beloved Michael Clarke Duncan as the Kingpin, Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One, or Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin (Let's not get me started on that joke of a story line) Actors can no longer be cast because they are GOOD at their jobs.

That little rant aside (sorry), as weird as a choice as it may seem.. How about Jon Cena? He's got the stature, he's got the comedic chops. Give him a strong supporting cast and I think he would do great.

Another unlikely candidate would be Dwayne Johnson. Stature, Comedic , and could carry a movie on his own.

Jason Momoa would also be a great choice.

Jason Momoa is already Aquaman, so no can do.

Having said that Ryan Reynolds was a failure as Green Lantern but spot on as Deadpool, so I guess crossing over from DC to Marvel is possible.

True - and I thought he rocked as Aquaman. But if Josh Brolin can be Thanos AND Cable, I don't see why Momoa couldn't do both roles, especially as Lobo would me a makeup heavy role.

By pure coincidence I found a post from somebody else here on steemit about your man Lobo. Check it out here

Nice, checking it out now! Appreciate the heads up!

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