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RE: Series Review: You

in #movies6 years ago

I saw it and I have to say I liked it . I didn’t warm up to Beck as a character and the ending shows (to me) that she’s not actually that smart but all in all I thought it was a good plot. The ending was to be expected, but I didn’t see the second season coming...

Posted using Partiko iOS


I hated them both but I hated beck like 10x more she really bugged me she’s just such a horrible person I was like man give up on this girl at some points I wanted to shout at the screen “she’s not worth it”

also thought this was more of a one season show and to drop that final cliff hanger on us at the end I was like seriously? But also kinda wanted more! My deep dark secret

Posted using Partiko iOS

ahahah yeah I especially hated her towards the end for being so stupid! I mean seriously, if you're gonna wack someone on the head to run away, and your life depends on it, wouldn't you hit at least a few times to make SURE the guy stays down? Urgh that part always pisses me off so much in movies

Lol that was pretty annoying but for me it was the whole oh i see his happy with a new girl, let me try and break them up but at the same time still continue to sleep with my therapist. Like what is that even?

yeah that too! She probably deserved the ending LOL (I'm such a bitch)

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