It Should Be Your Choice. Contributed by @Olawalium

in #movies6 years ago


I have noticed anytime I watch a movie or read a book, I always have things to pick out from it certain things. Most times they are things I could relate with, either based on what I have experienced, what I have seen, or even things I was told.

I was told about a movie three days ago but I shelved it aside. When I got the link yesterday, I made sure I downloaded it and watched it that same day. I felt it deep down that I needed to watch it and I am glad I listened to my heart.

I watched this movie yesterday and I was really touched. I think most of us must have watched it and it would be nice to hear your views about it.

The title of the movie is Acrimony.

It is about a young couple who got married early. They met in school and as most love stories started, the lady initially hated him because he spilled her books in the rain but she eventually saw the “bright” side.

The lady hit a fortune when her mother passed away but the guy was poor even though he was brilliant. He believed in his research to use a battery to power up heavy gadgets, so did she, but not the lady’s sisters.

She spent all her inherited money on this guy till they hit rock bottom and she worked two jobs to keep them afloat while he still worked on his research. Oh! He once cheated while they were dating and she even bought him a car but ever since they got married, he never cheated, not even once.


He was rejected many times when he searched for a job but being a felon when he was younger counted against him, so he stuck with his battery invention. To cut it short, when things weren’t working, he missed a delivery on the job they got for him, the sisters pushed his wife to file for divorce and she did.

Just on the day she made that decision, the man got an offer of $800,000 for the license to his invention but he wouldn’t sell it. This angered his wife the more, knowing they had mortgaged their house and were close to eviction. She asked him to leave while the sisters and their husbands were there watching. He was very reluctant and appealed to her but she was not having it.

Even while he came to sign the divorce papers, he begged, pleaded and reassured her but she was emotionless. After the divorce, she lost her inherited house to mortgage and she moved in with her sisters, with their husbands.

Months after they divorced, the company he has been trying to get into, invited him and offered him millions in dollars. When he got his millions, he went to her even though she was reluctant to see him, he bought the house back for her, gave her the keys and gave her $10,000,000, even though they were still divorced.

She was already seeing someone else and he started seeing the person he once cheated on her with, before marriage. This lady she is now seeing was the one that facilitated the million dollars deal since she worked with the company.

The ex-wife​ is now bitter. She felt this woman took everything from her, but she actually did herself, just by listening to her sisters. She later blamed them for it but she went deranged. Deep down in her heart, she didn’t want to leave the man but pressure made her do it. be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


These movies are about the kind of love that is being made in the film industry.These stories are almost identical in the beginning, initially they have a little more in them. Later on, they gradually get married, they marry and later they make a story in this way.

I have not seen it, as you tell it, I find it interesting

You really need to see it. You will love it, i guarantee that.

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Fantastic story, I will definitely like to watch the movie. But with the way you narrated the movie, it's very Interesting.

Well, I can say that is woman for you. Their heart can easily be bendding. She supported the guy at least for her to spend some if not all of her inheritance on his battery invention. But at a point when what remains for her is to have the faith and keep the believe, she lost it.

Her sister is an intruder, and that girl did a greatest mistake of her life for listened to her. Well, the guy repay her back. Thoug she can't have him anymore.

One's food is another man's poison, so I don't blame the other girl who was once cheated on her. She lost him, and she grabbed him. Lobatan!!!!

Thank you so much for sharing @communitycoin and @olawalium

She was very close to her breakthrough. In fact, too close. She held on so long and she reached the end of her limit, then she cracked. I really feel so bad for her.

Thanks a lot for your comment. Always appreciated.

She really did, if she waited a little bit more, she would have been regarded as a good wife who stays when everything is hard. She see it coming, that glory, she believes in him but at a point in time, she lost it, she cracked... That's bad, and she wanted to make up for her actions but doesn't know how to. Very bad...

It was a disaster. I am still not happy she had to end up that way: dead. Glad it was a movie and i can only hope no one had to face that in real life.

Thanks brother.

Hahahahahaha...... Laugh
Most of the movie are real life story. It's probably a story of some people. But I don't think that will happen this days though.... Lol

Those girls..... Hahahaha. They will gladly take that money. That money is huge o


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