Young Adults - Movie Review

in #movies6 years ago (edited)


After watching the previews for Young Adult, I was uncertain whether I would enjoy this film. I like Charlize Theron and the concept for this film seemed intriguing (if not a tad bit boring). I decided to check the film out and then decide.


Mavis Gary (Theron) writes tweener books for a series that has pretty much has run its course. She is experiencing writer's block as she attempts to churn out the final installment in the series. She sleeps late, has a horrible diet, and fails to show her beautiful Pomeranian, Dolce, the full attention he/she deserves. Her day starts undramatically, but quickly spirals downward when she receives a birth announcement from her high school sweetheart, Buddy (Patrick Wilson). On an impulse, Gary jumps in her Mini Cooper and heads straight back to her home town of Mercury, Minnesota. Mercury is no Minneapolis, but at least they now have a Kentaco Hut (KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut all under one roof).

Gary is in bad shape. After checking in to the Hampton Inn, she attempts to meet her former beau for drinks. He is busy making bottles from poured breast milk, leaving Gary to drink alone. She is joined in her misery by another classmate, Matt (Patton Oswalt) who commiserates with her over Maker's Mark and beer. While she is completely wasted, Gary confides in Matt with her diabolical plan to win Buddy back. Matt gets her back to her hotel, but continues to cross paths with her. The trip back to Mercury is a part of a mid-life meltdown that eventually sorts itself out as Gary realizes that Mercury has moved on without her. Her place is in Minneapolis, writing chapters of a new book.


Young Adults had plenty to like. The characters were brilliantly normal, often with angelic innocence and patience. It was refreshing to see "fly over country" portrayed positively by Hollywood. The normal stereotypes were evident, but the characters had a richness that Hollywood often overlooks. The characters made this movie exceed the quality of a plot that was almost a late-bloomers coming-of-age tale. The story moved sluggishly at times, but the charm of this film managed to win me over. It had a subtle quality that emerged during interactions between characters that really gave the film credibility. Even bit parts, like the girl at the Hampton Inn desk managed to infuse the film with depth.


In the end, what made Young Adults work for me was Charlize Theron. Her portrayal of Mavis Gary was incredible. Everything from the eye rolls to pretending to remember something she has no clue about was perfect. Her facial expressions often surpassed the dialogue in meaning. It was an effective use of her talents that elevated this film for me. I like Wilson and Oswalt, but their performances were far overshadowed by Theron, who could not have been better. Nor could her role have been cast better. The cast was strong, but this film was carried on Theron's capable shoulders.


My biggest complaints about this film were two-fold. First, the plot didn't have enough substance to keep the pacing in step. It moved slowly at times. The other complaint was the product placement. The film shamelessly plugged everything (soda, cars, computers, liquor, Staples, restaurants, etc). That may have been an attempt to capture middle America, but it seemed more like shameless advertising. It wasn't very subtle at times. I found it distracting. It would be interesting to find out if the film was reimbursed from the many corporations that are featured in this film.


Young Adult received an R rating from the MPAA. The rating seems a little bit stiff for a film that doesn't have nudity or violence. There is plenty of drinking, harsh language, adult situations, adult themes and even a sex scene. But all of these elements were done tastefully. I would have been inclined to be softer on this rating, giving it a PG-13. The thematic material is not central to the story, but it all ends up being contextual. The rating makes the film seem racier than it really is. The film feels a bit longer than the one hour, 34 minute run time.


While Young Adult had some short-comings, the film had a unique charm. And unique always works for me. Quirky characters, strong dialogue and great performances can make a mediocre story great. This film is a character-driven story that moves slowly at times, but has some rewarding character interactions and some great dry humor. If you have an offbeat sense of humor or enjoy character driven films, then this one is for you. I liked it better than the IMDb consensus, which is a bit lower than my rating of 7.5/10.

Photos and trailer subject to copyright by Paramount Pictures.


Fantastic movie and performances ... makes me glad i gave up drinking ,, ouch !

I remember seeing that movie last year! It had some really funny moments, besides its always good to see Charlize Theron hahaha

Great review! I myself would prefer mediocre stories with brilliant and exceptional acting rather than a complicated plotline filled with crappy to a see-through acting, it somehow makes it all natural and refreshing to watch when the actors are that good. Also, this is my first time hearing a review complaining about product placement lol must really be a lot

I've not heard of this film, but your review has brought it to my attention. A very detailed and inspiring review too. At the start of your description it sounded very much like something I would dislike, but as you started to lay out some of the plot development I did start to warm to the idea of it. And also good to see Hollywood go to the fly over States and deal with some real characters.

Sounds kind of interesting. I've never heard of this movie but may be adding to my watch list... thanks!!!

I really love your movie reviews, it saves me reading what the critics have to say when I can rely on you do you also take movie requests to watch also I wonder??

Possibly. If I can find it streaming or at a theater that takes Moviepass.

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