My Star Wars Review. AKA: Why I never listen to critics.

in #movie7 years ago (edited)

So I will tell you up front this is going to be riddled with spoilers so if you haven't seen it and plan on seeing it spoiler free then I suggest you get out while you can.

you gone?

how bout now?

turn around!


last jedi.png

Look at that! Do you see what I see???

Try again.

last jedi (3)_LI.jpg

The disconnect from the average audience to a "professional critic" is astronomical. I was tipped off this morning to the rotten tomatoes review of The Last Jedi and how everyone loved it.

Well I saw the movie last night... and I have never been more frustrated leaving a movie in my life. I am a HUGE Star Wars fan, I have every single movie, I know ridiculous facts that nobody need to know. I geek out about fan theories for weeks after seeing a new star wars movie... This was not the case

If I had to use one phrase to describe the movie, it would be


time to vent

The forced humor ranged from cringe-y to cheesy, they ruined one of the most heartfelt moments of the force awakens when Rey hands luke the lightsaber...

Literally any fan theory made after The Force Awakens, would have been better than the lazy half hearted answers they gave to the most intriguing questions!?!

Who is Snoke?

Nobody, just random bad guy

Who are Reys parents?

NOBODY, who cares?

Does Finn love Rey? Po?

Nope... random new chick

Not only do we not care about the questions you thought about for years....

Lets add cheesy "fan service"

  • Also can survive in the vacuum of space!
  • His force ghost can physically interact with people too!!


  • Force Holograms?
  • Connecting minds... with your mind?

All the cheesiness aside, some of the scenes felt SO LAZY. During the casino "chase", there were several "rooms" that were suddenly empty, and this happened throughout the movie where it felt like the CGI, or the frame wasn't full or balanced... It reminded me of a B movie at times and makes me wonder if they rushed it, or ran out of budget. Who knows...

Again, never in my life have I walked away from a Star Wars movie NOT excited and hyped for the next movie... until now.

Let me know what you think, I will try to engage, but I'm pretty butt hurt about this movie right now haha



Hmm, I've not seen it yet, so I read "in diagonal" lol

But I will heed your warning.

People who know me, know that my alter ego is Darth Shadie / Jedi Eidahs. I own a collection of books, as in every single Expanded Universe novel from Episode 6 to the latest one until Disney bought LucasFilm. I write SW fan-fic, play SWTOR, played KotOR, Think Revan is the shit as far as Old Republic characters go.

I enjoyed Episode 7. But I'm not attached to it. I'm not sold on the new films yet. I might like the new one, but I'm not sure.

I am still grieving that with the "death" of the OEU, some of my favourite characters (Ben Skywalker, Kyp Durron, Saba Sebatyne, the Horn family, Jaina and Jacen Solo, etc.) no longer exist and will not be featured in any films.

I have an idea that might make any SW film awesome... add in Chiss lol Don't ask why, I just love them blue skinned, red eyed humanoids ;)

I do know some people loved the film. So I will see when I see it, but for now, I can be happy that all those amazing characters still lived on for a time and I still own all those books.

By the way, some of those Force Powers do exist in the OEU (not including SWTOR). Oh, and in cas you were curious, and even if you're not, Shadie's best ability is Force Lightning and special almost telepathic emotional bond she has with Agent Knarf (that's my husband's alter-ego).

Hey, you're a huge fan. Do you play SWOTR, got fanfic? If so, what server do you play on, and share some stuff. I'd love to see/read it and game with you if you play :)

Well I don't really play video games and haven't a lot since probably the gamecube, but I've heard great things about The Old Republic. The books I never got into because it was such free reign for a long time, and I didn't know anyone who knew anything about them. (what was good, what was glorified fanfic)
I don't personally have any fan fiction, but I had an extremely vivid dream of a star wars villain, and I would love to draw and explain his concept. He was honestly terrifying in my dream, and it made it SO cool hahahah

Yes, yes, yes! lol You Must Draw! ;)

Aww sorry to hear that @saywha! Haha I guess cuz I don’t know all those inconsistencies with he details I still enjoyed it.. especially the birds that became friends with chewie hahaha

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So even shittier than the force awakens? Thanks for the review, I will just download it. In the off chance I like it I will buy the DVD or something.

I loved the force awakens to be honest, but somehow ep 8 made me like ep 7 LESS.

Just got home from seeing it myself, guess I liked it a bit more than you did. Though I do share some of the same disappointments. I liked the campy cheesy bits. I thought they brought a sense of levity that was kind of fun when played at the right time. I liked the stupid throwbacks to basically verbatim repeats of scenes from the original movies, they were kind of like inside jokes for the old guard. That's how I choose to read them anyway. But they could easily be seen as lazy writing too.

I was disappointed on the Snoke thing. Here was this mysterious bad guy who would turn out to be the big bad of this trilogy and then Nope... Just so anti-climactic! And the point about Ray's parents I am with you on as well.

I guess I really mostly agree with your points. I just didn't allow those things to stand in the way of enjoying the flick. But I'm also not as invested in SW as it sounds like you are.

Maybe it'll grow on you?

dude.... the leia force pull to the ship, and friggin yoda man... that was SOO bad...

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Oh noooo... I'm probably not going to like it at all :(
But I'm still going to watch it. Sigh :)

I'll come back after I've seen this post with my update hahaha....

That's a real shame you didn't like it. I have to say I loved it but can understand yours and other fans reservations.

The Leia thing was just silly and they should have just followed through went she got sucked into space. It was the prime opportunity to leave it there and yet they brought in this unneeded OP skill that she'd never displayed before.

As for the new Force Powers, I kinda made allowances for that. There is a huge sacrifice for use of that power and I made peace with that being the reason why we haven't seen it before.

Anyway, sorry you feel like that as it's always a bummer to be let down by something you hold close when you're so hyped before. I hope Episode IX and Solo can repair some of that damage for you.

May the for.....actually I won't go there.

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