Mad Max Fury Road - Truck scramble scene breakdown challenge

in #movie6 years ago

So @linnyplant challenged me to do some breakdowns of car chase scenes and she picked this one for me

A little background on the challenge

  • Preferably G rated , up to PG - 13 may be accepted
  • She grades me on a scale of up to 5. Last time I scored -157 , yeah that is a negative . There were some "technical difficulties " on my part.

Let the games begin

First off they are in the desert where it is crazy hot, lets just establish that. Next up is this guy IN an engine bay of a running vehicle in said desert tightening a hose clamp on what appears to be a radiator hose. Everything is wrong there.

*it would be over 250 degrees F and he would not be ale to touch anything because it is all metal and HOT.
*A loose radiator hose would be spewing hot steam out like old faithful. Just like that, hot water under pressure.

A little fun fact is why do radiator caps have a pressure spec?
Because as the car heats up it builds pressure in the cooling system from heat and thermal expansion. but why the pressure rating? Because water boils at 212 degrees F. A normal passenger car can easily exceed that temp in summer so you just rig the system like steemit does. No not with a hard fork, with science. For every 1 pound of pressure you add to water it raises the boiling point by 3 degrees F. A normal car cooling system the cap usually holds 15 psi of pressure sooooo 15 x 3 = 45. So 212 + 45 = a new boiling point of water at 257 degrees F . The same applies to if you put water in a canister and pull a complete vacuum on it you can literally boil water at room temp. This is why water boils at a different temp in death valley than it does in Denver Colorado.

  • After tightening the radiator hose the tachometer suddenly gains 3000 rpm so it goes from 1000 rotations per minute to 4000 rotations per minute. Assuming they were in high gear that would equal at least 50 to 70 mph gain in under 2 seconds by my rough estimation all while being in a fully loaded 18 wheeler probably weighting in at about 80,000 pounds. You better be selling those speed secrets to John Force because you just accelerated like a top fuel dragster. But on the movie they gained 0 MPH. NONE.

That is just the first 17 seconds of a 3:42 clip, I hope they start getting some of this right.

  • Nope. At :22 the guy driving Max's stolen car first pulls the shifter back , pauses then jams the throttle to the floor. No, almost right though. If you did it his way with that style shifter (which i have in one of my trucks) that would pull you from 3rd gear to 2nd gear which would make the nose of the car drop and the car would damn near lock up the rear tires trying to decelerate. The proper way to "drop a gear and disappear " is to first floor the accelerator and then pull it down into 2nd as though you were in a normal car and you floor it and then the car hits a lower gear and the rpm goes up and accelerates.

  • Backflip to the other car. My wife teaches cheerleading and I can assure you that there is no way you are not ending up under that car. Noone could make a flip like that. Go watch American ninja warrior and watch those guys fail trying to make jumps less than that while not hanging upside down from a moving truck.

  • Well we had a lul in the stupid till about 2:20 where the giant tanker of fuel starts to ever so slightly blow up. Like super slow. That is not how that works.

    You see that thing that rushes across the screen super fast? That is a shock wave and it can kill you. It is moving at the speed of sound, basically a sonic boom. It is also accompanied by a very large and very fast moving fire.

*Snatched up by the guy on a stick....... Negative ghost rider. We use stuff kinda related to this on the race cars, they are called torque arms. You all would probably know them better as a trebuchet.

Notice how it has a HUGE counterweight? That is because it quite literally has the short end of the stick. You have to add a tremendous amount of counterweight to account for the long rod used to lift. So by them having person on each end there is no way possible that guy way out on the end would not be eating dirt. Add to that that he would never be able to grab another human and pick them up. To pick up another human you would probably have to add 1000 pounds of counterweight to accomplish this.

The ending

Not really sure what that knob was that he pulled, I am assuming they are implying it was Nitrous Oxide but it sure looked like he was pulling the air brake handle on a 18 wheeler.

Nitrous Oxide fun fact
The nitrous oxide you get at the dentist is the same as in race cars only they add sulfer to the race car stuff so people won't huff it. Very unpleasant smell and taste. However you can buy the little nitrous canisters in a tube that looks like the CO2 canisters used in BB guns. You can then use a device called a cracker to punch a hole in the canister and fill up a big ass ballon full of laughing gas. Then you breathe it in and out a couple times and have your self a laugh. Everything is suddenly funny and you hear a noise that goes WA WA WA WA and your voice changes and you sound like the devil on a horror movie which makes it somehow even funnier. It dies this to your voice because nitrogen is heavier than oxygen , just the opposite of why helium makes your voice higher since it is lighter than oxygen. It lasts for about 30 seconds and then you are right back to normal sans a couple of unneeded brain cells


I still love the movie and the original. The switch operated superchargers make me giggle in the original.

yes, I always loved that part. I suppose you could modify an ac compressor clutch to do that but what would the point be?

Whaaaaa how could there be technical errors in that movie. =D I hope everyone got to see it on the big screen because aside from none of it making any sense it sure was a thrill ride.

Brain cells are highly overrated, I think according to the experts that I am operating at less than 35% operational brain cells, but someone once told me we only use ten percent of our brains anyways, so that means I can kill off another 20% and still be functional.

you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 99.14%. Estimated dollar amount of $3.15

Ich liebe den Film und das Original immer noch. Die Schalter-betriebenen Supercharger lassen mich im Original kichern. Gehirnzellen sind stark überbewertet, ich glaube nach Meinung der Experten, dass ich bei weniger als 35% funktionsfähigen Gehirnzellen operiere, aber jemand hat mir einmal gesagt, dass wir sowieso nur zehn Prozent unseres Gehirns benutzen , das heißt, ich kann weitere 20% abtöten und trotzdem funktionstüchtig sein.

Not cool. You simply stole 2 replys and translated it hoping i was lazy as fuck. I'm not but I am a spiteful asshole. Don't come back to my posts doing that shit. If you upvote your own reply i will flag it.

Nicht cool. Sie haben einfach 2 Antworten gestohlen und übersetzt, in der Hoffnung, ich wäre faul wie Scheiße. Ich bin nicht, aber ich bin ein boshaftes Arschloch. Komm nicht zurück zu meinen Posts, die diesen Scheiß machen. Wenn Sie Ihre eigene Antwort upvote, werde ich es markieren.

I still love the movie and the original. The switch-powered superchargers make me giggle in the original. Brain cells are highly overrated, I believe experts say I operate on less than 35% of functioning brain cells, but someone once told me that we use only ten percent of our brains anyway, which means I can kill another 20% and still be functional.

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