MountainMonday. Is There Hope After Rambo?

in #mountainmonday6 years ago

Welcome to #mountainmonday, hosted by me, @keithboone!

This is your invitation to share anything you like about mountains - Tag your post #mountainmonday and drop me a link in the comments below and I will do my best to upvote and resteem your post.

I'm standing in the tiny town of Hope, B.C., population 6,100. Standing in front of the town I should say, because the whole place is behind me and out of sight in this shot.


It always looks like this, every time I come here. Hope is at the south end of the Fraser River canyon, and it's a two hour drive from here to Vancouver. The water in the Fraser is very low in this shot. At certain times of the year, this is a raging river.

Hope is a great place to stop for a break before driving into the mountains - or if you've just come down from them and are on the way to the coast. I stop here on every road trip into the interior. The first shot is from 2014.


Above is another shot, this time from 2016. See what I mean? It always looks like this! So what's this bit about Rambo?


In the visitor centre which is right behind me in these shots, they've been playing the movie Rambo First Blood on a loop since around 1982. That movie was shot here, and I suppose it was the most exciting thing that ever happened in this town. There was a famous scene in the movie where the town sheriff (Brian Dennehy) drives Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) across a bridge and dumps him outside the town limits. Rambo of course walks straight back into town. Tourists used to stop for photos at that bridge for years before it was finally torn down.

I watched the movie again after many years just to see the shots taken around Hope. The entire movie was basically shot up in those hills where the scenery is out-of-this world spectacular.

Hope is a town with a serious drug problem and not a lot going for it outside of the scenery. I don't know all that much about the place so I shouldn't put them down... I just think perhaps it's time to turn off that damn movie and get on with something else!

Have a great Mountain Monday everyone! Don't forget to drop me a link in the comments if you make a post. Thank you!


Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
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Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

Thank you very much @pixresteemer!

Thank you for entering, I'm off to see you post in a moment!

Thanks for entering, I really enjoyed your photos! Is 2.0.1 a bug fix over 2.0? I was having some problems with 2.0 so I rolled back to the previous version temporarily.

Yes it is. I too have issues with 2.0. Can't post. The same thing on two different machines. I upgraded both. One is working now, the other still has the bug. Strange.

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That is a gorgeous shot! I've just resteemed your post, thanks so much for entering!

Now, this is a real mountain range! I love how the clouds come down to join the range. There is something so alluring to me about it.

This scenery is to die for and I sure wish I had seen the bridge in person before they tore it down. As usual, you leave me with breathtaking scenery that cannot be trumped. Simply stunning!

Here is my excuse for a mountain! No snickering. :)

Upped and Steemed

!tip (worthy)

Glad you liked my photos, Denise, thank you! I just resteemed your post, thank you for entering. As for your mountain being an "excuse..." no way! Just try walking up that thing and tell me it's not a mountain. And if that's too easy, try riding a bicycle to the top! :)

I thought I did post a picture of us hiking up it. It really was a hike and even though I do a fair amount of running and walking every single day, my thighs were talking to me as the incline and terrain are more challenging. :)

A bike! LOL No way!!! I hear the ride down is a killer.

Across the strait in Port Angeles, WA, there's a road that goes up into the Olympic Mtns to a place called Hurricane Ridge. It's a 17-mile long road and I remember seeing a lot of cyclists. I've always been impressed by that because I know I could never do it!

Oh, hello!! I am pretty sure that even in my best shape, I couldn't do it! Probably not even downhill. ;)

Right, me either. And here's the thing... all of them looked like "normal" people, not super athletes. Seventeen miles and a 6,000 ft climb. Coming down must have been very scary in places, I don't know how you could control your speed on the descents without burning out the brakes.


Thank you for entering! I'm off to view your post right now!

🎁 Hi @keithboone! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Mountain Monday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

This is awesome I might join. Thanks @keithboone

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That would be great, you're welcome any time!

Beautiful pictures by the way 😆

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Thank you! I'm glad you liked them! :)

Upvoted and resteemed. Because of hope and Hope.

I will follow your lead and post some entry point mountain photos. With less words... 😀⛰️

Posted using Partiko Android

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