MOTU - TeelaKpop, She-Ra, and KubbyGlimmer head to Save the CareBearssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #motu7 years ago (edited)

After the whole boots debacle in Gorthlindir the Girl Power Team consisting of She-Ra, TeelaKpop, and Kubby Glimmer, all in their amazing boots, headed off towards their newest quest; Saving the Care Bears.

She-Ra jumps on Swift Wind as KubbyGlimmer jumps in the back of TeelaKpop's Wind Raider. They Travel swiftly over Darkmoor, spying the teenaged turtles down below, who they knew now to also be heading north.

"Oh Great, well the Sorceress was right, they certainly are headed up that way," She-Ra yelled over to the other two.

"Yes, but at least we know they are going to be quite a bit behind us, so perhaps their teenaged mistakes won't spoil anything," TeelaKpop yelled back.

"Here's hoping," She-Ra said loud enough for TeelaKpop and KubbyGlimmer to hear but was obviously laden with a bit of sarcasm.

Within a matter of moments, the girls were bringing the Wind Raider and Swift Wind down in a clearing just outside of Valmorlar.

"I need you to stay here Swifty. Stay out of sight." She-Ra looked at Swift Wind, touching her face while she said it.

They Girls walked away from the clearing, leaving behind Swift Wind and the Wind Raider, making their way towards Valmorlar.

Background - Pixabay Images, 1, 2, 3, 4

After a couple of moments of walking, with their eyes set towards the snowy mountains not too far in the distance, out came what appeared to be a saber tooth tiger from behind some big snow covered rocks. It's menacing eyes clearly on them.

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"What the heck is this?" TeelaKpop said.
"Look at that amulet around the animal's looks familiar..." KubbyGlimmer chimed in.
"I know! I recognize that, of course! We were told to watch out for him, that's No Heart!" TeelaKpop said. "Alright big guy, bring it on!"

The girls advanced, as did No Heart in his saber tooth form. The girls looked at each other and almost telepathically knew what to do. In an instant, KubbyGlimmer teleported behind NoHeart. As No Heart looked back, shocked at what had just happened, She-Ra called out "Sword, Net!" Her sword instantly turned into a net. No Heart, hearing She-Ra yell turned right back around to find TeelaKpop standing in front of him.

She lifted her brand new red velvet boots and kicked him straight in his furry face. Shocked by this he turned back towards her just in time to see a net swiftly coming over his head and entrapping him. TeelaKpop gave another swift kick which sent him to the ground and She-Ra finished covering him in the net and tied it up nice and tight.

KubbyGlimmer walked back over to the Girls just as TeelaKpop reached into the net and grabbed the amulet off of No Hearts neck. She yanked it hard enough to rip it from his neck. No Heart changed back to his usual form, still surrounded in the net.

"Lights out No Heart. Looks like you can't do much without this." TeelaKpop said as she held the amulet up. Looking over at the two others she said, "What should we do with this?"

She-ra instantly had an idea. "Sword, hammer." The sword turned into a hammer and She-Ra walked over to the same rocks that No Heart had appeared from and put the amulet against one of them and took the hammer and used all of her super-human strength to pulverize the amulet with her hammer. It completely shattered into nearly a million pieces. "Done with that", she said and walked back over.

"Let's move on Girls, this one can stay here until we get back. He's not going anywhere", she said motioning to trapped No Heart. The girls agree and they continued on.

Background - Pixabay Images, 1, 2, 3, 4

The girls continued to walk. They walked past an area of frozen trees, with frozen animals. Clearly, some maniacal freezing had been going on. The one that stuck out the most was the frozen bunny. KubbyGlimmer looked back at TeelaKpop and She-Ra with a slight sadness in her eyes. Then a second later she smiled. KubbyGlimmer used her hands to direct the sunlight that was shining right towards the frozen bunny.

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After a moment the snow started to melt and the bunny was thawed out. She smiled to herself and looked back to the girls. They both nodded, surprised and pleased, back at Kubby and continued on.

After a couple of moments, KubbyGlimmer spied something. "Hey! Look over there! See those ice pieces sticking up? I think that may be what we are looking for, that looks like a possible underground entrance to me, what do you two think?"

Background- Pixabay Images, 1

TeelaKpop and She-Ra agreed and they decided to check it out. As they got a little closer Icer came out of nowhere, well really from behind the ice pieces, screaming.

"You think you little ladies are going any further?! You have got to be kidding me". He screamed.

Clearly, the girls had caught him on a bad day, he seemed excessively aggressive.

She-Ra lets a little smile show on the corner of her lip, and said: "This should be fun". Just after she said that Icer seemed to have disappeared.

"Look out girls! He can camouflage into icy surroundings, keep your eyes open!" TeelaKpop yelled. All three of them stayed close and were looking about, all standing in a fighting stance. Over to the left, he reappeared and lunged towards them. KubbyGlimmer suddenly grabbed one of TeelaKpop's hands and She-Ra's hands and levitated quickly off the ground, high enough to be out of reach. Icer stumbled and fell on the ground. Clearly even more pissed off that he had just missed his targets.

"Why'd you do that? We could've just attacked him." TeelaKpop said quickly to KubbyGlimmer.
"You are forgetting, if he touches us he can freeze us." KubbyGlimmer reminded her.
"Oh man, I totally forgot", TeelaKpop replied.
"We are going to need a different kind of plan here girls", She-Ra said.
As they stood there levitating high enough in the air that they couldn't be touched, Icer was down below getting more agitated by the minute.

Suddenly large chunks of ice started to fly around towards the three girls. A few chunks hit TeelaKpop's legs, making cuts and one sharp piece flew towards KubbyGlimmer, but hit her boots, ripping some fabric. The anger on KubbyGlimmers face could have melted someone, but Icer did not seem to be scared. KubbyGlimmer levitated the other two down to the ground just as She-Ra called out "Sword, Firetipped bow and arrows", which was now in her hands. She-Ra lets a few flaming arrows fly towards Icer with great speed. Icer counter-acted them by through large ice chunks from the ground in their path. The arrows fizzled out and dropped to the ground.

At the same time, KubbyGlimmer teleported behind him. Icer expecting this flew some large heavy ice chunks her way, knocking her to the ground, while still taking fire and countering it from She-Ra. TeelaKpop went running towards Icer with her sword in hand. He noticed her as she got close but he was not prepared for what would happen next. As he was starting to turn his hand on her and made some pieces of ice fly she slid on the snowy ground, just like how one would slide home in baseball, raised her sword mid-slide and slid through his ice like body. The sword connect with his ankles. As suspected he was almost completely ice. This sent his body off kilter and he fell face first to the ground. However, He landed near TeelaKpop and reached out, barely touching the heel of her boot. She was frozen from toe to head.

"No!" yelled KubbyGlimmer. She teleported over to the now frozen TeelaKpop, kneeling down to see if there was anything she could do but the sun was hiding now behind clouds. She looked back at She-Ra who was standing there shocked. She-Ra furrowed her eyebrows and let off three fire arrows right at Icer. They pierced his body, melting him. He laid there looking shocked and defeated as he melted into a puddle. She-Ra ran over to kneeling KubbyGlimmer and frozen TeelaKpop. KubbyGlimmer had tears in her eyes at this point.

They both looked up to the sky. Full of clouds. KubbyGlimmer could've melted the ice on TeelaKpop if there were sunbeams, but there wasn't. As She-Ra kneeled down beside TeelaKpop's frozen body she put her arm on KubbyGlimmer. She looked down at KubbyGlimmer's boots and touched the place that it was ripped. It mended itself underneath her touch.
"That's right..." She-Ra said, looking at her hands.
"What?" KubbyGlimmer said wiping away some tears.
She-Ra looked at KubbyGlimmer and then at TeelaKpop. She placed her hands on TeelaKpop's foot and the ice started to melt. In a moment TeelaKpop was coughing, looking up at the two girls kneeling beside her.

"You healed me?" TeelaKpop asked?
"Of course dear. We've always got your back" She-Ra said.
As the clouds started to part, TeelaKpop noticed the sun was starting to go down.
"We need to go, we need to find those CareBears", she said.

The girls agreed. They headed towards the area where the ice pieces were, as they have now spread out all over the place thanks to Icer, and headed down into the underground cavern. As they reached the bottom they noticed a set of stairs going upwards.

Background - Pixabay Images, 1, 2

They started to walk up and noticed Cold Heart standing near the top, and behind him down a long hallway was the frightened CareBears.

To be continued...

This story is part of the #MOTU writing challenge.

How will they defeat Cold Heart?

Will the Girl Power Team free the CareBears and return them to Evergreen Forest in time?

Where are the Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles?

Is Icer really gone?

Can anything ever stop this awesome Girl Power Team?

The characters that appeared in the story:

@kubbyelizabeth, @choogirl

Extra characters mentioned:

@ phelimint, @gniksivart

Hope you had fun reading this. Stayed tuned!




Wow!! That was an epic battle. Super storytelling, well done!

Thank you! It was super fun to write that's for sure.

quite the battles, I'm glad they were able to unfreeze you, I though you had wrote your own epic death.

Haha that would be one way to get out of it, control your own death and make it epic. Not yet though my friend, not yet ^-^

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This post received a 20% vote by @msp-canada courtesy of @goldenarms from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

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Wow, this is amazing TopK. You've down an amazing job advancing the storyline. Well done.

Thank you! It was a ton of fun. Had to leave it a bit open since it was getting long but we will see what happens next ;)

This post received a 20% vote by @mrsquiggle courtesy of @choogirl from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

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Really enjoyed reading this and glad to see the turtles were not left out. My heart is filled with joy :D

:) I am curious to see if they make it in time to help

And your writing is spellbinding takes me away into the story


Awww, thank you! I am so glad that it read well. I had a lot of fun doing it :)

And enjoyed reading it so fun all around :)

i really must confess...
this is so nice

super post fnd

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