Only look back if the View is Worth It!

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How many times have we used our past to try justifying our present?

Every experience that we went through, the good, the bad, and even the UGLY, were all necessary, in order for us to arrive here, right where we are today. Now there may be things in our past that are useful to reflect back on, such as good memories, happy times, anything that makes us smile, there is absolutely nothing wrong with looking back and reflecting upon those things.

In fact, let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with looking back at things that don’t make you smile either, but do you really WANT to???

This makes me think of the famous American vaudeville comedy duo, Smith and Dale in their signature sketch "Doctor Kronkheit and His Only Living Patient,"

SMITH: Doctor, it hurts when I do this.
DALE: Don't do that.

Such simple advice, yet how often do we allow ourselves to suffer needlessly about things that happened in the past when we could just CHOOSE to look where we are going, rather than where we have been.

"Just as the wake does not move the ship, the past does not move the present." ~Alan Watts
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For those of us who have had challenges in the past, and that’s just about everyone, WE get to choose whether those challenges limit us or empower us.

When I began looking at my past challenges, and even all the new ones that come along, as puzzles designed to sharpen my skills, I discovered that I could gain something very valuable from each challenge and no longer allowed them to hold me back.

This is just one of the reasons why I believe that ‘Life is so easy!’

Thank you for taking the time to check out my post! If you enjoyed this ‘Enlightenment shot’ I invite you to follow me on this thought-provoking journey as I share the things that have led me to believe that --Life is So Easy!

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