Finding Yourself: Process to Finding Your True Self

in #motivation3 years ago

It is the philosophical components of the process of self-discovery that are the subject of My Real Self (My True Self). Writing in the first person, it is based on first-hand information and experiments from both the past and today. It investigates the relationship between memories and the subconscious mind.... Essentially, it's a cosmological interpretation of the subject-object distinction that is applicable to the modern world. In this review, I'll go through some of the theoretical points raised in the book.

The genuine self does not have a schedule or goals. Each of the other selves has their own set of objectives. We spend our days pursuing our needs, satisfying our whims, fulfilling our commitments, and looking for safety in the world. Our minds are occupied with the demands of our social, private, unconscious, and unconscious identities, among other things. We, too, have fond memories of our childhood. All of these circumstances impair our ability to think clearly and make the greatest selections, making it difficult for us to make the best decisions. I am not affected by any of these circumstances, which allows me to act in ways that are more compatible with our ideas and objectives.


Physical characteristics have no bearing on one's actual self. It is as adaptable as our minds and bodies when it comes to learning new things. We can have sensations and emotions while remaining human at the same time. It is, however, a phantom of hope in disguise. Our genuine identities are not limited by the circumstances in which we find ourselves. It is impenetrable and intangible at the same time. Everything in our lives is influenced by our surroundings and the activities we perform. It is ultimately up to us whether or not we live a happy life. This is determined by our actions and decisions.

True authenticity requires that you be yourself. Accepting your flaws is an important aspect of developing into your real self. Your flaws aren't a source of contention. In order to be successful, you should accept and embrace your own shortcomings rather than trying to be someone else. As long as you remain true to yourself, you will be content with your life. Because my True Self is always available to you, you should feel free to express yourself. If you're terrified of being yourself, please don't pretend to be a ghost.

When it comes to one's true self, external influences have no bearing. It is for this reason that defining it is so difficult. A authentic self exists simply in the intellect and has no preconceived notions about the world. In reality, we are completely under the direction of others' objectives. When the forces around you have predetermined your true identity, it is difficult to be truly liberated. In order to be truly alive, you must be happy at all times. You haven't been yourself this time around.

A authentic self does not have a set of goals or objectives. Your alternate selves each have their own set of objectives. Your days are filled with gratifying desires, keeping commitments, and acquiring financial security. Your thoughts are dominated by the dictates of your social, private, and unconscious identities.... You're always strengthening your perception of yourself by incorporating memories and habits from your previous life. It is vital to be conscious of your true identity. Unless you're experiencing extreme depression, it's doubtful that your inner self is to blame.

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