It's been 6 days since I haven't posted anything. Why? What's happening? 

It the laziness. It's back again. 

Have you ever got this feeling where you're too lazy to do anything but sleep or watch a TV show or do something useless and put off the important things (read writing and curating Steemit articles here :P)? 

If your answer is yes, then you my friend, are a procrastinator! 


What is procrastination and who is a procrastinator?

Let's see what the definition of Procrastination is:

Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. - Wikipedia

So, you become a procrastinator when you start avoiding your tasks. Like not writing everyday. 

Yes, I've been doing it a lot lately and to take advantage of that habit of mine, I thought why not I write on this topic. It will help people understand what procrastination is as well as help me get rid of it while I research on it. 

Here are some hacks to stop procrastinating:

1) Create a to do list: 

Keep a small notepad and write down the tasks that you need to complete with check boxes. As you finish the task, check the boxes corresponding to the ask. This will keep reminding you about the tasks that you've to complete and keep you working. Do it on a paper and not on your smartphone. 

2) Start off with High priority tasks: 

Start the day by completing priority tasks first. These are the tasks that will take much of your time and also makes you procrastinate. You are fully energetic when you first start a task so complete the hardest one first. Once you finish them, other tasks seem easy peasy and you'll be done with them in no time. 

3) Break the task into chunks: 

When you think about big, time consuming tasks, it feels like avoiding it obviously, doesn't it? Break them into small chunks, keep deadlines for each chunk. It becomes easy to complete the small tasks one by one. 

4) Avoid Multi-Tasking: 

Although you may feel like you're doing more when you're multitasking, you will be actually completing a lot less. So, aim for one work at a time and complete it before moving to the next one. 

5) Avoid Distractions: 

If there's any distraction in the room like your smartphone, computer or anything, work in another room with no distractions. These things slow us down a lot. Use apps to block content on your smartphone or PC that is distracting. You'll get plenty of them in the playstore. 

6) Have a dedicated workplace: 

When you have your own dedicated workplace to do your task, it reminds you that you're supposed to be completing tasks and helps you avoid distraction. Keep the workplace neat and tidy. You can have a office or you can work in some cafe but make sure you don't work in a place where you relax.

7) Deadline: 

Always keep a deadline for the completion of a particular task. Without deadline, a task is as good as not getting completed at all. 

8) Rise Early: 

When you wake up early in the morning, your mind is calm and there are no thoughts. This is the time when everyone's fast asleep and there's absolutely no disturbance around. This is one of the best times to complete any task. 

9) Don't try to be perfect: 

It's better to do a task than not doing anything at all. Trying to be perfect will make you push the tasks ahead until you know you're in a situation to do it perfectly. Just start. 

10) Hang out with people who inspire you: 

There are friends who reduce your productivity with their thoughts and actions and then there are those who motivate you to do things. These are the people who have already achieved what you want to do and you should be hanging out with them.

11) Get a progress buddy: 

Both of you should have your own set of goals and things to do. You should hold each others accountable to your goals and plans. Talking, learning from each other and helping each other out is very effective. 

12) Reward yourself: 

When you complete each task, reward yourself. This way, you'll complete more tasks just for the satisfaction of getting the reward. You'll also feel productive when you're enjoying the reward because you earned it.

It helps to get a copy of Eat That Frog. It is one of the popular and effective books on this topic.

“Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.” - Christopher Parker 

Signing off with this beautiful video:

source: 1 | 2 | 3


A good way to keep procrastinating is simply to keep reading all Steem blogs you can find...

Hahahaha! xD
Another is to comment on them :P

Hey! Thanks for the mention and glad my post helped you out. ;)

One of the things that I do avoid procrastination (there's always a little amount of it, that cannot be helped) is to make a weekly to-do list . I find everyday to-do lists quite too much.

In my weekly to do list, I have things like write 4 steemit articles, curate at least 50 articles, go to the gym, get something done etc.

This helps me to plan my activities over a week and it's much better when I look at the list at the end of the week and see that I've done at least 80% of the things on the to do list.

That sounds more practical in the long run.

I think everybody suffers from procrastination. It's just too easy!

Also, have you ever heard of the pomodoro technique? Seems to be working too to get work done more effectively.

Read about it long ago. Lemme give it a shot. :D

Let me know how it goes!

I think the antidote to procrastination depends on the reason for procrastination. I procrastinate tasks that intimidate me, that I find difficult or annoying, or that disrupt the flow of my day.

For intimidating tasks, I have to talk myself out of the intimidation.

For the annoying tasks, I need to be more present.

And for disruptive tasks, I try to bring a friend along, if possible. That way I have an added incentive to get them done!

stop being so lazy! lol

Yeah dude! xD
In Delhi now. Just got my computer set up.
Time to pump out some videos now.

Absolutely love your post! Very valuable info. Thanks for sharing. ☺

Great Post Man ! 😃🙌

Thanks man! Welcome to Steemit! :D

Welcome back!

Awesome post. Upvoted, Followed, and re-steemed.

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