Don't Waste Your Energy Fighting Your Feelings

in #motivation3 years ago

Don't waste your energy fighting your feelings. You already know how hard it is. Feelings are powerful, and they can drive you crazy at times. And yes, they're sometimes wrong. But the good news is that you're not alone in the world with those feelings. Feelings are here to stay, and they serve as a support system for us.

We've all felt strong emotions like anger, disappointment, frustration or fear. Sometimes those feelings can manifest themselves physically in the form of a headache, stomach ache, nausea or diarrhea. Sometimes we don't even recognize the emotion at first, until we're standing in front of a fire or lying in bed, unable to sleep because of the emotions rising within us. Those emotions can control us and dictate our actions.

We have two options when it comes to dealing with those strong feelings. We can push them away and ignore them. Or we can acknowledge them, understand them and work with them. Taking the time to express and work through them will get us much closer to peace and happiness. We can learn to take our anger out on someone else instead of ourselves.

Anger isn't always a bad thing. It serves as a powerful indicator that something is wrong. Anger can help us find solutions, deal with conflict, take ownership of our issues and make progress. It's an emotion that can give us the strength to act and solve problems.

However, some anger can turn destructive. When anger turns destructive it can lead to verbal and physical abuse. It can also result in high levels of stress, worry, anxiety and depression.

Letting go of those negative feelings is part of the process to release your energy from the past and move forward. You can't stay angry in the past. You can't hold onto negativity. You have to let go of it. You can't allow yourself to carry around the past and its memories. You have to let it go.

The key is to release the anger, but not let it control you. Anger is an emotion, which can also be a form of love. If you are able to connect anger to feelings of love, then you are well on your way to letting go. And once you have let go of anger, you will find that love takes on a whole different meaning for you.

When you let go of your feelings, you will be better able to communicate your ideas and thoughts. You will find that you are more willing to explore new opportunities. You will find that you are calmer and more able to handle stress and change. You will find that you are more loving and compassionate. You will enjoy the company of others more and you will have more energy and confidence to take on the world.

You must first realise when you are feeling angry or frustrated. Then you must decide if you want to channel that energy into controlling your feelings. Can you handle the discomfort without using physical actions to get what you want? If you are still struggling with your feelings after a period of time, then it might be time to step back and take a breath. Take a look at why you are angry and what the possible outcomes could be.

You might find that what caused the upset is something that is within your control. In this case, you should be happy that you are able to cope and that you are not harming yourself. If the situation is still troubling you, then it might be time to talk things over with someone that you trust.

Sometimes our feelings are so strong that we end up hurting ourselves. This can lead us to self-pity. If you continue to do this, then you will end up feeling horrible and depressed. This is not a good place to be so if this is the case, then it is about time that you checked in with a mental health professional. The effects of this type of behaviour on your health are terrible, and you might as well try and fix the problem straight away.

Remember that you do have options when it comes to dealing with those nasty feelings. You do not have to let them completely control your life. You do not have to let your self-esteem crumble. There is always a way to put those emotions in check. You just need to take action.


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