in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

From a very young age I had a goal of being rich. Since that day I have been working towards that goal.There's a difference in my thought process and goal orientation mindset that influences my behaviour towards that dream between now and then. When I was in grade 11, which is over a decade ago, I give myself a timeframe in which to make my first million. I told myself that by the age of 30 I will be a Millionaire. A little less naive, more matured, hardened by life, I remain as optimistic as I was back then.

Does this mean that I still aim to be a Millionaire by 30? Yes, yes it does.
In this post I'm going to share with you the steps and attitudes to follow and to have if you want to PURSUE and POSSIBLY achieve your goals of financial freedom and of anything else you wish to attain.
Some of these steps and attitudes you might know and have read about but I just want to make it clear that these are all coming from my thoughts even if you might find similar articles online. I want to make this disclaimer that I have NOT researched this topic but I am merely giving my own opinion and my own feelings about the topic.Like King Solomon once said, "There's nothing new under the sun."


Many people tend to say that they want something but all they do is talk. They don't show that they want it but they just talk. You have heard the phrase that Talk Is Cheap. In order for something to be cheap it has to have value. Talk is free; it is worthless until YOU make it worth more. What do I mean by this? I believe in the notion of speaking things into existence. So when I say talk is worthless until it is worth more, I'm referring to talking with yourself not talking with other people about what you want.

Internal dialogues is amongst the most important dialogues in life. What we tell ourselves impacts on how we see and feel about ourselves. Yes our dialogues can be influenced by other people but only by our permission. I once heard, I think it was Oprah Winfrey, saying that people can only make you feel a certain way if you let them make you feel that way, meaning if you give them permission to make you feel that way. If you know yourself and your worth you will never allow anyone or anything to deter your path and from your life’s goals.


This technique is the most common one in self motivation and self help literature. I know you have heard it before and you know it's premise. I just want to add a little twist to this age old technique for success. When visualising, try by all means to be around an environment that your goal will take you to. if your goal is to own a beautiful house, visit a very nice neighbourhood filled with breathtaking houses and see yourself living in one of those houses.

If you want to buy a luxury car, when you go to town always do yourself a favour by going to a luxury car dealership; stare at the car of your dreams and see yourself driving off in it from that very garage. If you want your bank account to have accountable Zeros, this is something Jim Carey did, write yourself a check of the amount of money you wish to see in your bank account. Every single day have that check in your pockets; in your wallet; in your purse and see it as being a real check you’re going to cash in at the bank.
If you can see it you can attain it.




"Visualization can equal manifestation" of the life you want!! I am an avid reader of the Laws of Attracting what you want in your life. Very good post, and nicely written.

Thank you for stopping by. I really do appreciate this. Mind telling me some of the laws I need to know in order for me to attract and bring my goal to fruition?

You already are doing the laws!! :) I love to study about the Law of Attraction and that's what you are describing in your post. 1. Act as though you already have it. 2. Visualize what you want and bring out the feeling of actually having it. 3. Recite daily, affirmations of the life you want to live. 4. The most important is to be grateful and happy with what you have right now and you will allow more things to come into your life to be grateful and happy about.
See? You already know how to do it. I have faith you will receive all you are after. :)

:)Thank you so much. Glad to know I'm heading in the right direction. I really love point 4. This is what most people are missing in their pursuit of wealth. Living for the now and hustling for the future is the perfect way to find balance in life. Thank you for the faith in me and motivation.

I just found @sourceoftruth and I think you might be interested in his posts too. He also speaks about manifesting abundance into your life.

Sounds like my kind of read. Will definitely visit his page. Thank you.

Get clear on what you want, ask for it and visualize all first important steps in getting what you want. You will get there you have all the tools inside of you.

I see it as if I already have it. Thank you for the words of encouragement.

I found that writing it down like a story, with emotion helps me visualize my goals. I include things like how, I feel when I reach my goal, mine and other’s reactions to the benefits I gain as a result, etc.

That is actually quite clever. It could also help keep track of every little detail needed to push further into taking action.

That's a good tip!! I will have to try that one. Thank you!!

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