I.M.P.R.0.V.E. series

in #motivation7 years ago

Part I (IMPROVISE) Letter i

(listen to the song below while reading for more impact if your reading from a computer or laptop)

(eternal love by Paul Mottram)

Welcome to the improve series where we dig into the words that help us on our journey towards our life goals
We begin our I.M.P.R.O.V.E. series with the first letter of the word I which will stand for Improvise. In order to improvise, I believe it is essential to ask yourself three questions

Where have you been?” - Take a good look at your life and ask yourself that question; because of your decisions in the past you find yourself here. I know I have been trying to be an online entrepreneur for years and I failed miserably but I ’m taking all my failures and I am applying it to steemit where I am seeing success.

Why are you here?” - What do you want out of life? What are your biggest dreams and goals? Do you know who you are as a human being and what you stand for?
I mean your own personal definition of who you are not my name is Remcy blah blah age blah born in blah went to blah my career is blah. No, I mean who are you really as a human being on planet earth, the solar system, the universe? You have to go deep for that one. Once you have answered that question then you can say I am here because {insert reason here}.

Where are you going” - what does your current path look like right now? You know where you’ve been, you know why you’re here now you have to figure out where you are heading in your life. How are going to get where you want to be in life? What are the action steps that you will start taking right now to get started? Do you have a plan of action and are you going to be consistent in taking steps towards your destination?

These three questions were spoken by the world-renowned Les Brown. They are incremental in learning the first letter of the (improve) yourself series. Try to ask yourself these questions during the 3 most common phases of your life

  1. Failure
  2. Training
  3. Success

It is likely that your answers will change over time.
That’s all for the first part of the improve yourself series.
Join me this Tuesday for the letter M and how you can apply this letter to your life.

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These are definitely three important questions you need to ask yourself often. If not, you'll likely be heading in the wrong direction. I know I sit down and ask myself #3 often to stay motivated. It would probably helped if I started with #1 and #2 though!

Those are three great questions, and some that will take time to answer.

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