in #motivation7 years ago

”Let’s do this!”

Life is full of the mediocre and the mundane. Time and time again we face situations that are boring. Then, there are the difficult things that we would rather not have to do… but we must. Sometimes, we force our way through, work hard, and end up not even getting out of it what we put in.

Discouragement can lie in wait around every corner. Naysayers rise up continuously. Life can get hard, depressing, and it can leave us drained, physically, emotionally, and mentally.


The word encouragement may be a little long, but that’s not what I mean when I call it a big word. I mean that it carries a lot of weight and can be a powerful concept. A positive and encouraging attitude can make a world of difference.

You may have noticed that @papa-pepper attempts to be positive and encouraging, but it doesn’t always come naturally. Sometimes, I have to work at it. Other times, I’d rather not. I’d rather throw in the towel myself. I’d rather give up. I’d rather quit.

Those feelings certainly creep in, but I do not need to let them stay. I prefer to choose to be encouraging, optimistic, and positive. Face it, we all need encouragement and support, so why not try to be encouraging and supportive. If we all chose to, there would certainly be enough to go around.


When we face the events in life that we must accomplish, no matter how undesirable it is, we have two choices. Either way, we will have to choose to deal with it and get it done. We can either sigh, droop our head, and grumble through it with a half-hearted attitude. Then, it’ll take us twice as long, and we will have to suffer through our own attitude as well as making others suffer through it as well.

The other option that we have is to try to head in with a positive attitude and work as hard as we can to get the job done. We can encourage ourselves and others, and make it through the situation in much less time, doing a good job in the process.

Enter the bucket: It seems that there are two types of people who frequent home improvement stores. They are either homeowners working on projects or people who do similar work for employment. Whether people are working on fun projects at home, or one spouse has reluctantly began to work on a project for their mate, or someone is just trying to get the tools to get the job done and get paid, a simple message like “Let’s do this!” can be very encouraging.

Often, in my life, I’d rather not have to deal with a lot of the things that I do. Often, I’d rather not work really hard to make the same amount of money that I would if I didn’t work even half as hard. I’d rather not, but I do. Not only do I do it, I make sure to do it in a positive and encouraging manner.

Amazingly, I’ve even had a boss give me bonuses just because of my attitude. Out of nowhere, the man would put an extra $50 or $100 on a paycheck, commenting “I appreciated your attitude this week. You really encouraged me when I needed it.” Let me tell you, that was encouraging to me too!

Simply put, life isn’t always fun. Steemit isn’t always fun either. However, if we live our lives with the intent to encourage others, I think we will all be the better off.

As always, I’m @papa-pepper and here’s the proof:


Until next time…

Let’s do this!



Wow dude, this is like I wrote it myself. Living positively and thinking positively day by day is much easier. When you learn that and put it into practice, you never stop doing it. I know we can not avoid sadness or bad times. It is natural. We are human and we make mistakes. But the most important thing is to learn from them and improve each day.
When you learn the power of positive thinking and how it can change our lives. It is another world that one begins to know.
It was a pleasure reading you, my friend!


I am glad that you enjoyed it and agree! Thanks @tincho.

I loved that chain idea too!

I do admire your positive approach to life! I sometimes feel like a lot of folks "got lost" somewhere in the world of everything needing to have an "easy button," so they stop doing and complain instead when the going gets less than easy. Which is a shame... life is beautiful, but nowhere on our admission ticket did it say anything about "easy."

And you're cute and you make cute babies...of course your wife is beautiful too!

Lol, is that the key to my success here?

Yes, cuteness power🌸

I'm not sure I want to be a bucket though...

You may struggle with it at first, but it'll probably grow on you.

Every day you get to choose your attitude!

I am a "professional procrastinator", so I need a lot of encouragement.

But here, In Canada, I have never see a Home Depot bucket labeled "Let's Do This".

Thanks, great post Papa Pepper!
Hey, I have to tell you, the last few days when I went to up vote and comment, I got a error code. This resulted in frustration and, with little time, no curation for me. Just so you know, I have visited, just unable to comment or up vote. Steem on!!

Staying positive and upbeat helps yourself and it helps others.
Asking questions help wake us up. Thank you for doing that :D

Thanks! You're welcome!

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