How do you make peace with thoughts?

in #motivation2 years ago

The process of creating Thought Forms of Peace is a profoundly transformative experience for the creator. In contrast to physical forms, thoughts are not fixed in one location but rather float in space and radiate the vibrations of their originator.

If there is no contact between the thought-form and the mental body, the thought-form will eventually become depleted of its energy and be absorbed by the mental body. The development of thinking forms enables one to acquire the knowledge necessary to recognize their source. Practicing the generation of peaceful thought forms is an effective method that can be used to discover inner peace.


When we focus our attention on a certain topic, our bodies experience physical changes. Various mental processes are triggered as a result of this knowledge. It responds in different ways depending on whether the news is good or bad. For example, reading a book about love will make the reader feel good, whereas reading a book about war will make the reader feel bad.

It is of the utmost importance to understand that thought structures are produced by thoughts, and that we have the ability to change these structures by consciously thinking other thoughts.

In order to generate Thought Forms of Peace, we need to actively engage in visualization on a consistent basis. We create a thought form with the purpose of achieving the desired result by visualizing it in the future as though it were already accomplished. This thinking pattern morphs into an energy structure that we might use to bring about the outcomes that we desire.

Through the use of different thought patterns, we can change the way in which we experience reality. If you want to establish a robust thinking structure, you should give yourself a few minutes each morning before you start your day.

If everyone is willing to follow to this simple guide, you will be able to construct a new world order that is built on love and peace. Because positive thought patterns are representations of energy, they are capable of producing a psychic radiator field.

By developing tranquil thought patterns, one can construct a more elevated state of reality for themselves. When we allow ourselves to entertain negative thought forms, we are reflecting our own energy in that way. If this field is negative, they could cause a lot of suffering.

The mind is composed of several thought patterns. Every single thought generates thousands of unique thought patterns, some of which are negative and some of which are positive. This negativity is especially destructive to us if we spend a lot of time with large groups consisting of individual people.

Discord, hatred, and other unfavorable emotions are rampant throughout these communities. They are subject to the authority of the destructive entities. It is really necessary to work on changing your thought habits in order to maintain your mental steadiness. Therefore, what are some ways that one can guard themselves against thinking forms?


The creation of mental forms requires the release of an expulsive breath as a required intermediate step. As we exhale, we impart our life power, or ensoul, into various thought-forms. As we inhale and exhale, our will exerts control over these thought-forms. Because of this emission of thought-forms, which also draws all astral energy to us, our own astral body ends up being the site of concentration for us. Because of this, we no longer have the sensation of being distinct from our astral selves.

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