Productivity Motivations


“If you don’t have daily objectives, you qualify as a dreamer.” -Zig Ziglar

Waking up everyday without setting a goal for the day , no aim of achieving anything, no plans made then your day is definitely gonna be a waste. You can’t wish your day will go in a particular way, you have to make your day.... Mide

“I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity.” -Oprah Winfrey

This is a universal truth. Luck has been misdefined by the lazy ones. The actual definition and expression of luck is your preparation, your efforts all meeting opportunities. If you wanna be lucky in life , then work towards it by preparing yourself for future opportunities cause it’d definitely come then when you’re not prepared then those opportunities passes by and you’d be tagged unlucky.... Mide

“Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things.” -Peter Drucker

Being efficient is actually doing things the right way and obtaining the right result. Accumulation of effeciencies is referred to as effectiveness. In short words, effectiveness is being efficient in everything.... Mide

“Lost time is never found again.” -Benjamin Franklin

The power and technology to travel back in time are rare and almost not possible. So therefore every minute of your life is never to be wasted cause once it’s wasted, you might not be able to go back in time to make things right.... Mide

“While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior.” –Henry C. Link

You can never be perfect when you don’t try. Trials might fail severally but each failure is a lesson. Try and fail as this is your experience and it’s the best teacher in life. If you don’t try you won’t get it and imperfections is what would become your hobby, inferiority would take over and low self esteem comes along it , this kills faster than some diseases as it has led to many suicide.... Mide



This is a universal truth. Luck has been misdefined by the lazy ones. The actual definition and expression of luck is your preparation, your efforts all meeting opportunities. If you wanna be lucky in life , then work towards it by preparing yourself for future opportunities cause it’d definitely come then when you’re not prepared then those opportunities passes by and you’d be tagged unlucky.

I needed to dwell well on this, even, when one has been said to becoming somebody in life rather from a prophecy or any other means and the same person isn't prepare to receive it I bet it will just be like a mirage to the person all through

You’re right my friend, preparation meets opportunity.

Yeah great work out.........

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Sometimes it is not about working very hard but working smart to get the result effectively in the shortest possible way. Be a planner and execute what we plan but never rush in without good planning.

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