
as a Scanner personality it is hard not to do anything at all. I often have the illusional Thought not to have enough time. So I try to save time, r.g. during transportation in the train, I read and learn something, when I walk to the station I listen to podcasts and the like. But at the same time I try to avoid theses things and pay more attention to the things that are right now in this particular moment. Listen to the birds, watching the sun rise, looking around and appreciating nature.

Thanks, @holgerwerner for your gift in my comment I am pleased
Regards @maujmasti

I simply share your opinion, that @margarita-de's writing ad great value to personality development discussion here on #Steemit!

I love the way you think!!) In Moscow, people always run somewhere. And their heads are lowered down on gadgets phones. Few people notice what is happening around him. I teach myself not to run, and always always have time.

That's a good way to start! I'm always split up between walking fast, in order to burn some fat, while moving from A to B and walking slow, to be present and appreciate and enjoy what's around me. Sometimes I people in Africa or elsewhere, where they have plenty of time to simply do nothing. Stay on a mat, chatting with others or promenading through town with their best friends, relaxing, talking, doing not much.

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