in #motivation6 years ago

After our university, a friend of mine who Later become a PILOT told me the four main principle to master when flying airplane.


  • LIFT
  • WEIGHT &
  • DRAG

He said; “YOU HAVE TO TAKE ALL THESE INTO ACCOUNT TO MAKE SURE THE PLANE WILL FLY.” It structs me that these same four principles apply to specific type of people. In life there are some who LIFT YOU these set of people blighting your day, cheer you up, make you feel better about yourself and once you meet with these set of people you will have spirit in your step.

Then there are people who THRUST YOU these set people inspire you, motivate you, and challenge you to move forward, also help you to pursue your dreams.

The third groups are WEIGHTERS, these set of people don’t have your interest at heart, all they do is to pull you down, dump their problems on you so you can leave feeling heavier, negative, discourage and worse than you did before.

Finally, there are people who DRAGS YOU these set of people always have a sad song “there dishwashers broke, there gold fish died, they didn’t get invited to a party.” They are stuck in a pit, they always expect you to share them up, fix there problems, and carry there loads for them. All their focus is how to bring you down to their level.

We all encounter people from each of these four groups. Now listen so you will understand why I used these set of people as an example. So you can know how to go about them in your life.

You have to make sure you are spending more of your time with first two set of people. “LIFTERS and THRUSTERS.” because if you are hanging out with ”WEIGHTERS and DRAGERS” it will keep away from anything you were created to become. Because some people have a perpetual problems, you spend an hour with them, you will feel that you have run a marathon raise, they are energy suckers, they always have a sad song, and once you allow them in your life, they will use you as a trash cane to dump their garbage in.

If you really need to reach higher potential please do me a favor, disengage yourself from them, you can't not continue to deal with them day after day because you wont move forward into the good thing God has in store for you. if you’re weighted down, by letting people dump their loads on you, stay away from them because they will make you feel discourage and drain your energy.



Yes you need to evaluate the people you’re spending time with . ask yourself these questions, ”Do they make you feel better? Do you leave their company feeling inspired and happier? Or Do they drag you down making to feel drained and sapping your energy?"

Let me tell you a story about a girl whom I know in my early teens. Her name is Delight. She’s a hair dresser, she was as nice as she could, she had a good heart. But she was so negative, each time I went to her shop, she will told me all her Problems, this really went on month after month and year after year. She always complain that the shop owner weren’t treating her right and she sometimes works extra hours. She had a sister who's coursing her problems, she don’t know if she can pay her rent, and her father wasn’t doing well.

Though she’s so beautiful but every-time I left her shop i felt depressed. She was very convincing so I did my best to encourage her. I send her customers, I gave her money, but it was never enough. One day I realized what I am telling you.


I CAN NOT GET TO WHERE I AM GOING WITH HER IN MY LIFE. NO I can’t fulfill my destiny with that weight on me, then I make a change. Though it was difficult, I don’t like hotting peoples feelings, but I realize that my time is too important and my assignment is too valuable to let people continually pull me down.


You may have to make changes where you do business, where you play ball or where you work out, you may have to change the phone calls you take. Don’t spend all night on phone listing to somebody's woes or hearing their sad song. Try your best to put an end to it. Be kind, Be respective, but always remember, you don't need that weight going into you.

Always try as much as you can to be around LIFTERS and THRUSTERS people who inspire and motivate you, people who's ready to lift you up, encourage you, inspire you, and people who's going to do their best to lift you better than you where before.

Though in life you may find yourself around people who are DRAGS or you may go to school or work with people who are weight, you don’t have choice but here is the key! Before you leave your home in the morning, make sure you pray and tell God the kind of people you will like to meet on you way. Set your mind that is going to be a great day, you can't go into the negative environment. Don’t go with your guard down, stress out from the traffic, worry about deadline or listening to depressing news report. That’s how you will stay strong and not let the WEIGHTS and DRAGS to pull you down, you’ve got to build up a resistance.

But what happens if you live with some one who's a WEIGHT or DRAGS? Like your SPOUSE. Well I have a little advice because I am single and I don’t pray for that.

While they are dragging you don’t let them steal your joy, because most people today don’t want to be happy. They are always in the pit, living with them is like living in the pit.

My dear you got to have this attitude, Be open to him/her, look at him/her in the eyes, ”IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE HAPPY, THAT’S FINE BUT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO KEEP ME FROM BEING HAPPY, IF YOU WANT TO STAY IN THE PIT THAT’S YOUR CHOICE, BUT I AM NOT GETTING INTO THAT PIT WITH YOU.” though its not always easy but take the responsibility for your own happiness. Don’t let their issues sour you down. Always pray for them, be respectful, but don’t become CODEPENDENT.

Don’t let their problem be your own problem, don’t let them keep you away from your destiny.

Lucky .jpg

At this point I will like to ask us few questions
  • Is there anything keeping you from being happy?
  • Are you allowing people to control you?
  • Are you allowing people to make you feel guilty if you don’t reach their demand?

If YES is your answer to the above questions, please put a boundaries to it, don’t miss your happiness trying to please everyone. Be kind enough in who you are, that you don’t live to please people. As long as you are doing what God has put in your heart, you don’t need to look to the left or to the right. Stay focused on your goals, and God will get you where you’re supposed to be.


@Luckyspark, thank you for using the naijapidgin tag.

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