I’ve hit the proverbial wall.

in #motivation7 years ago

Is this really worth broadcasting to the world?

I haven’t written any more of my story for three days. Five if you are not including ideas as to where I want to take the story or little snippets that have been written down so I don’t forget it at a later date. The problem is this is supposed to be a happy story but I’m feeling a bit under the weather. Normally I can let the story drift with whatever mood I may be feeling as long as it flows, but I don’t want to make this story become dark. I’m also reluctant to stop writing for an undetermined period because I know deep down that if I stop I’ll never get started again.

I’ve written four books in eight months. Well, four and a half if you include this one. Normally I would fight through if I don’t want to write because the feeling you get when you can look back and think about the complexity of a book and then think, “I wrote that.” is an incredible feeling. But lately I’ve really struggled to feel motivated. Like anyone I always wonder whether I’m good enough to do this. If I’m just wasting my time and setting myself up for a big fall. My close friends and family tell me that I’m good at what I do. Of course they have to say that right? Are they shielding me from the truth? Are they prolonging the inevitable?


I know I can’t continue to feel like this forever. Overcoming self doubt and fighting through no matter how badly you want to give up is the difference between being successful and being that person at the pub blaming everyone else for their own shortcomings. I need to smash through this wall. If I do not have enough strength to go through the wall I need to resort to plan B and climb over it. Either way I WILL get past this wall, and I will succeed. I’ve always been a firm believer that if you are truly good at something people will find you. It may take years or even decades, but pure talent cannot be ignored forever. Someone will notice it one day and once that opportunity presents itself, the successful people won’t let it pass by.

I suppose I better get back to work. This book isn’t going to write itself, and success doesn’t just fall on people’s laps, it comes from hard work and the desire to do something that others don’t dare to dream. If i want to be making money from my books in 10 years time, then I better stop moping around on here and start fucking earning it……


This book is not only done, but was published a year ago and has two 5 star reviews if you want to have a look: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Talk-Me-Lewis-J-Clarke-ebook/dp/B01KR72T5O/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1510895324&sr=8-2&keywords=lewis+j+f+clarke






Bet that good news is liftin your spirits a bit though eh? Also don't forget there's tons of people who only wish they could write that one book! Be easy in joy bruh :)

These are just old blog posts that I am posting on here to reach a new audience, but yeah, I'm definitely feeling a lot better now the visa stuff has been sorted :-)

To be honest, it is a crazy amount of books you wrote in a short time span you know. I guess it is understandable to get a brainfreeze a bit maybe?

I see it like that song that says, "Everybody gets knocked down, how quick are you gonna get up?"

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