My 'Blogging Bible'

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit! Today I would like to talk about my view on post writing. These are not secrets and you probably heard about them in some other form before.

I am not an expert but I think it is necessary to share this kind of information and reminders more often. Nevertheless, we get many new people here every day and we can not forget about them. Just try bringing back the bitter memories of having $0.00 worth of a vote and you will instantly want to help.


I picked ten main ideas I am trying to incorporate in my Steemit blog and I highly reccommend to all Steemit users.

Be Consistent
Blogging is similar to having a regular workout - you know it is better to work out consistently and gradually so that the body can adjust to the exercise and get stronger and healthier.

Now let's look at consistency from the Steemit point of view. No matter how new you are to Steemit it is always better when you keep posting (and/or commenting) every day or at least on a regular basis. Having a routine is a good way to gradually improve your writing and build your reputation as a serious user.

It is hard to learn English or any other second language. I know a few fellow Steemians that improved a lot just by writing posts for us to read. I am very proud of them and I know the change came slowly but is now very obvious. Of course, I am not excluding myself when it comes to writing in English. I improved a ton since I joined Steemit and also improved my writing skills not just the use of grammar.

And don't worry, you are free to write in your own language or even bilingual. I saw many posts like that. For me (living in Canada) is now smarter to write in English to practice and also to attract more public because Slovenian language is not spoken very widely. I might try it one day though, you never know.

But back to consistency. Posting regularly will attract your followers and the more they see your name in the feed, the greater chances you have of being recognized, remembered and eventually fairly rewarded.


Think From Your Own Experience
Nobody is like you. Nobody sees the world in the same way as you do. You are a unique source of opinion, feelings, intellect, and creativity. If you keep that in mind you will not be afraid to speak up and share with the Steemit community.

You don't have to share the topics out of your comfort zone to be interesting. What is more, you don't have to share your personal information. You can talk about anything you want to. Cars, music, books, fears, dogs, politics. Whatever you think you know well enough to give it some personal touch and opinion.

Giving an insight into your own mind makes others think about themselves and relate (or not) with you which makes it easier for Steemit users to decide whether to follow your blog or not. If somebody is not interested in your way of writing and the topics you choose, it is not the end of the world. Honestly, I do not want ten thousand followers knowing nobody reads my work and only a few actually enjoy it. So don't worry about being likable to everyone. Focus on your ideas and people with the same kind of interest will find you soon enough.


Be Encouraging
Yes, I know. Free speech, especially on Steemit, is a big deal and we are allowed to speak our mind. I do not disagree with it. What I mean by that is to take the positive approach to anyone's post and give positive feedback to help them improve rather than criticizing them and repress their motivation for writing.

We are all learning and on the way, we might say something stupid or reckless without even knowing. Still living in the real world with borders and cultural differences it is harder for some to imagine the Steemit platform as a borderless community. This is why there is a greater chance to offend someone without the intention to. So if you see a post that hurts your feelings or is somehow offensive, mention it but do so in a kind manner as the author might not be aware of the impact it had. I am sure many will correct their little mistakes on the way and build a nicer community.


Know Who You Are Following
It is a good strategy to find a group of authors you look up to and enjoy their work. Following too many people will make you confused and lost. If you know users on your home feed, you will be more focused on their work and you will be able to keep a tighter connection with them. Even if they may not notice you at the beginning, with patience and constructive communication you can even make new Steemit friends.


Always On A Lookout
See the beautiful world around you. No matter where you live. Find the little gems and sights you are most proud of. Share them with the Steemit community. So what if has already been shown by somebody else. You took the photograph on that certain day and no one can take it away from you. Don't be ashamed of your hometown. Show us rainy days if you wish. Post about pollution and things that you believe need improvement. It is all about the real picture. People like honesty and appreciate seeing genuine photographs.

Don't worry about quality too much. At least not at first. You can start simple and improve as the time goes by and you earn more or find more motivation to help you buy a better smartphone or camera. If I would look at all the professional photos posted on Steemit and see only discouragement I would not be where I am today. Instead, I saw motivation and tried to improve my photography taking techniques with a smartphone. Later on, last summer to be more specific, I purchased a better camera and that was a great improvement. Slowly and always on a lookout.


Do Not Be Envious
Embrace other's success and do not let yourself become bitter about it. It is fairly easy to undergo jealousy and unhappiness but that will not get you far. It will affect your blogging and not in a good way. If you see a post and say to yourself Darn, I should have thought of that topic or I wish I would have that many rewards and followers remember that you can always talk about the same topic if you only use your own thoughts and feelings and slowly get to the same amount of followers just by being original in your writing style. The last thing we need here on Steemit is negativism - we have enough of that on the news elsewhere every day.


Read What You Upvote
Take a little time to read what you decide to upvote. I know many (more experienced) Steemians only vote posts that show good potential reward wise and do not even care what the content is. I, on the other hand, prefer to read and then reward the authors. I read because that is a part of my reward - the attention. The rest of my reward is usually between $0.5 and $1.0 which is not a lot at all so I at least owe people to read what they wrote and acknowledge their time and effort. I also learn a lot about other countries, food, Steem and many other topics. What is more, I learn some new words, phrases and writing styles.


Be A Team Player
This idea is hidden in some previous topics above but it is very important to me so it deserves its own paragraph. Show compassion, encouragement, and support to others here on Steemit. The ones that especially need it are new users. Don't be afraid to resteem a good post from someone. I admit, I did not have a habit of doing so but will try to improve on that matter as I feel I have enough followers to share more with them.

However, do not exaggerate with resteeming too. You don't want your followers to lose touch with your own work. It is important to keep your blog neat and organized. If I visit someone's blog and see 80% of resteemed content I am not attracted to start following them. But this is just my preference.


Ask Questions
One more idea I would like to talk about today (and I am so glad to be closer to the end of one of my longest posts) the importance of asking questions. If you don't know how to do something, how to edit the fonts or attach a photograph and videos, just ASK. You will be surprised how much Steemit users are willing to help and share the tips with you. Steemit is still in its early phase so the majority of people is trying to help each other out. But if you do not say you need help, no one will know you are struggling and this might discourage you and keep you empty-handed and lost in the sea of minnows.

I took a different approach when I signed up and searched tutorial posts from more experienced users without crying for help. Now I see how faster I could have improved and grown if I would ask questions sooner and more directly. It was a good lesson and now I am trying to be more open.


If you look back at the titles you will notice that all those ideas can be implemented in your everyday life just as much as they are desirable here on Steemit. Maybe this is another topic to think about.

Last Advice
So I guess what I have been trying to say with this post is to be yourself wherever you leave a footprint of any kind, stay self-aware and do the right thing no matter if you are spending time outside or on the internet. But most of all, be kind. It goes a long long way :)


These are good tips not only for beginners but also, long timers. If everyone genuinely blogged on steemit removing sentimentality and cabal, steemit would be favourable even to the just registered. Nice post i learnt alot

Hvala ti za to, da si si vzela čas in sestavila tale post. Z veseljem sem si ga prebrala. Saj veš, takile dobronamerni nasveti vedno prav pridejo. Res ti hvala še 1x in lep pozdravček čez lužo 👋🏼

Mi je vzelo kar precej časa, ampak sem se potrudila. Sicer sem bolj ljubiteljica fotografije in kratkih blogov, je pa treba včasih razširiti obzorja. Lepo, da tudi kdo prebere, kar napišem. Hvala za pozdrave in lp v Slovenijo :)

When you help others, you grow too. Gonna bookmark this page and come back. Thank you.

Very nice photos skys :) good shots;)


Best regards from North Norway ;)

This is very important for all steemit, interesting post and good story, I agree with k4rinn, thanks good post

Thanks for this. The post will help me develop my work here and can likely overflow into other areas of my life.

Nice review, I think the gist of this post is that we must make ourselves and continue to train to be ourselves, in addition to a great photo reviews was very beautiful. Thank you friend

Very clear and good written.
But if I may add just one thing about the being kind aspect.
Agree about that, but without sounding "bootlicking" and the 'my (dear) friend', 'bro' and 'sir' and other crap/stuff of newbies, doing as if we're already buddies for life just after their first comment(s).
(I think you're way much better than me in "translating" my comment in a more gently, but still clear way/version, lol).

I absolutely agree with you and honestly I didn’t think of that while writing because I had so much on my mind already. Thanks for reminder. I take those comments less seriously because I think that is just a poor translation on their part and hopefully a beginner mistake.

Awesome photos first off. And secondly, amazing post did a great job writing and explaining. It's hugely helpful tool for new people especially and a reminder for those of us who have been around a little while.

Nicely done!

So informative post you write. It motivates me. Outstanding photography of sunset. thanks a lot.......@k4r1nn

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