Have You Ever Felt That You Need More to Be Successful or Reach the Next Level?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #motivation8 years ago

Do What You Can, With What You Have, Where You Are.

There is a Misconception That I See in Life That I Would Like to Address.

I often here people moan and complain that if they had a tool, money, education a big break or something else that they would be successful. Have you ever wondered why the Pareto Priniciple will always be a reality in life? I will tell you why, it is because people who really want something will find a way to accomplish it.

My Story as a Volleyball Player.

When I was in high school I was invited to play volleyball by our coach. I went to an inner city school but our team had some of the best players in Rochester, NY. Many of my teammates played in private clubs. I was new but I watched and learned. I was not good enough so I played JV my junior year. Our team went on to finals where we lost.

My senior year I played varsity. After playing all summer at the beach my skills had greatly improved and I actually was an asset to the team. We ended up losing in the first round of the playoffs but we made it.

Then I joined the US Navy and I was quite lonely. Military life did not suit me so in my spare time I spent all of my time playing volleyball. Gym staffers all over the world must of thought I was insane. I would literally set up the net and play for hours serving, setting and spiking by myself. It can be done, believe me. My serves were insane. I could literally make the ball go anywhere and it would have a wicked curve.

Then came the military intramural leagues. Whatever team I was on dominated. No one could stop me. I would ace multiple serves in a row, spike like a beast and block like a wall. One day I was called aside by the Brunsick, Maine NAS head referee. He told me that he submitted my name for the All Navy team. When I told my Commander about the opportunity he told me he would not approve it because we were getting ready to leave for Italy on deployment and I could not be spared.

In that moment I felt my world had been crushed. Being submitted for the All Navy team would be the pinnacle of my sports career. I played for a few more years but never again had the opportunity to take it to the next level. The key was that I was the best because I put in the hours. Instead of partying I was spending hours at the gym, repeatedly striking the Tachikara volleyball until my shoulder ached.

Utilize What You Have at Your Disposal.

I did not have a coach after I left high school. I did not have the best gear. I also was not the best athlete. What I had was time and facilities to practice. I also began to teach others around me. Whatever team I played on I would spend hours trying to teach them the skills to succeed. This in turn sharpened my skills.

Stop Making Excuses and Get to Work!


Thank you for this inspiring story. I am proud of reading about steemians courage and efforts to overcome their obsticles, just like you.

Yes, you have to make the most of what you have... right now, right here. Cool that you did as well as you did, in spite of not getting to be on the All Navy team.

This is great and very motivational! Cheers @hilarski!

Our history is coming if we . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Great article Randy. I really should stop screwing around and get back to work xD.

Time to light a fire under your ass. ; )

Great article. You got to keep the struggle going no matter what.
Upvoted ReSteemed and Followed Thanks!!

Thank you Alex! That is the plan.

Little by little, day by day, I am learning what I can about Crypto. I also spend time every day practicing Spanish because I want to be fluent.

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