How to overcome loneliness

in #motivation5 years ago

The lines of violence, tension and anxiety on talk are taking the youth in their grip. The increasing distance from loved ones and the way technology and isolation have pushed the entire society into the tragic street of tension is a matter of concern.



The party was going on at Miesha's house. Miesha's close friend Steffy went to her room looking for Miesha's daughter Lana. Steffy was surprised to see Lana immersed in deep thinking. When asked Lana about her condition, she said in a very disappointed voice, "Auntie, how are you?"

"I'm fine, what happened to you?"

Lana took a cold breath, "Nothing, auntie."

"What are you doing here leaving the party?"

"Don't feel like coming out."

"What happened, son?" Steffy had family ties with Miesha. So Lana hesitantly said the condition of the heart, "Don't know, Auntie, what has happened to me." Can't even sleep at night. 90 percent of the time I remain depressed. Many times the idea of ​​suicide comes to mind. "

Steffy was surprised to see Lana's face. After some time, he said, "What is your depiction, you have everything?"

Lana said flatly, "If I have everything, then why am I not happy?" After listening to Lana, Steefy did not feel anything. She kept talking to Lana for a long time. She continued to explain a lot but knew that her preaching is not having any effect on Lana. Steffy came out, sitting in a corner thinking about Lana. Miesha was busy with the rest of the guests.

Stefffy suddenly got the attention of Peter's son george, who was in the discussion recently, that if a youth like georgre is depressed, then it is understandable how he will be going through mental torture, when he has to tap his father and his conversation Would have had who does that? Only the child who has lost faith in his parents, a child who is restless to know the truth and has to live life with many sad truths.

Another incident was that the two young girls were in love. For fear of separation, they kept their relationship hidden. Some relatives saw the two girls in an objectionable position in some nearby area and alerted their parents. The parents made the lives of both of them difficult, due to which both tried to commit suicide. In which one died and the other survived. But now what will happen next? How will the parents of both of them be able to live by shouting at them?

In one case, a very beautiful young girl burnt her face, because her husband used to taunt her when she was beautiful, which she could not bear. Now how will this insecure and jealous, emotionless husband live with a wife with a badly burnt face? Will he be able to divorce his wife and marry another less beautiful girl?

In a shocking incident, a businessman was strangled to death by his girlfriend because she wanted to end the affair and that person was not ready for it. For 6 years, it was an affair that no one was aware of. The man was married, he also had 2 children. The girlfriend was recently married.

It is so surprising that even after staying in the house, the men of the man did not have any kind of doubt. That means, despite being close together, no one is interested in paying attention to each other's lifestyle, gestures, modalities, nor does anyone have time. When this man was found dead, the whole episode came to light.

These incidents cause surprise and sorrow at the fraternity of the relationship. Either there is a lot of trust or deception, or there are many emotions or not at all. But despite being surrounded by friends and family, a person begins to feel so lonely that he is unable to share his grief with anyone.

People involved in all these examples are from families who are highly religious. These people regularly visit temples, pilgrimage centers and priest's from time to time but there is no peace in their lives. This is the situation in spite of believing religion, God.

Religion and priest's do not have solutions for these problems. If they had a solution, then no member in the family would suffer from problems like anxiety, stress, depression. The treatment of this is in the practice of medical science and you. Let's talk about medical science.



Mental state

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1 in 3 people have common mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Statistics show that if we do not have such a problem, then some of our friends, colleagues or family members will definitely. We do not talk to anyone about our mental health quickly and we do not even recognize the symptoms of anxiety. This is for both men and women.

According to research by Mind Organization, UK, 23 per cent of men said they would go to the doctor if they did not feel well even for 15 days, compared to 35 per cent of women. In developed countries, according to WHO, one in 5 men becomes dependent on alcohol as compared to one in 12 women. Suicide count is increasing every year among men under 50 years of age. On their feelings, the pressure of society that, what to do, what not to do, remains very much.

Indeed, due to general concerns, social concerns, various types of phobias, compulsive behavior, panic attacks, eating disorders and post traumatic stress disorder, a person becomes a victim of depression. The symptoms of these symptoms are different in every person, such as muscle tension, headache, chest pain, increased heart rate, difficulty in breathing, sweating, vomiting or dizziness, colic, diarrhea, asphyxia etc.

Help out

An emotionally affected person is unable to relax. He feels very angry, despair or fear.

An individual affected by anxiety and stress can be helped. If someone tells you that he has an angina disorder, first of all you should know about it yourself. Understand a lot by taking online information. Ask him to go to the doctor. Doctors see such problems all the time. They talk calmly with the patient. Listen to them and understand them.

Advise the affected people that instead of spending all the time immersed in anxiety, get them treated. Do not think, do not say that you need more sleep, less work, less drinking, less medicine, more exercise. Listen to them carefully, do not be surprised to hear their problems, symptoms. Tell them, tell me what is bothering you.

What kind of emptiness

Nowadays we rarely wake up after listening to one's good morning or the sound of an old alarm clock. Our mobile phones have now replaced these voices. Before getting up from the bed, people check new Facebook updates, read WhatsApp messages. This is a hyper-connected world where loneliness has become more common than we think.

Relationship experts believe that while people easily connect with social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram from the whole world, they are not able to connect with the person sitting at par.

"When we are served food in restaurants, we first put it on Instagram, because more important than tasting hot food, we find updating our profile on social media.

Mary fernandes says ''I picked up my phone at 12 o'clock on my 30th birthday, excitedly waiting for my friend's phone. I believed that my special friend would come home with a birthday cake. This had always happened. We live in the same colony. There used to be some entertainment on this pretext, but I was very disappointed. Simply, the WhatsApp group's name was changed that day and the following morning there were many birthday messages on Facebook. Nobody has a call, no problem."



Join your loved ones

Clinical psychologist and author Seema Hingorani says that people are more comfortable with their doctors nowadays than their loved ones. People do not want to show others that they are weak, so instead of meeting people in person, they prefer to be behind the external appearances of social media. "

One can feel lonely despite being surrounded by people. Loneliness is a symptom of anxiety and depression, it is more visible in young and senior citizens. Social loneliness occurs due to many reasons, such as death of a loved one, legal separation, physical malaise, retirement or loss of job, rehabilitation etc.

Along with emotionally affecting, loneliness also affects the immune system of the human being. According to the University of Chicago research, loneliness is likely to cause cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's and rapidly growing cancer. Being isolated from people increases the level of the hormone norepinephrine which weakens our ability to fight the virus. This also increases the fear of heart attack.

Depression, irregular sleep, increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol, increased blood pressure, etc. are caused by disease loneliness.

The difference between solitude and loneliness is that in loneliness there is a negative feeling of being alone. As long as we do not use social media to feel important, it is fine. Today, whether a restaurant or a party, everyone sticks to their cellphone. This habit is increasing loneliness. Anyone who wants to have a meaningful conversation has a lot of influence on them. Virtual connections are increasing on social media, singling out real relationships.

On Instagram, Snapchat and other platforms, you keep trying to show yourself in a different way. This does not mean that technology is a bad thing.

Give a little time to the people, family and loved ones around you. Listen to them and say your pleasantness. Try to overcome the growing loneliness in each other's life, not by taking the help of social media to become a part of a self-described false world where only good looks good. Think is it possible?

Do not let your loved ones become loneliness, give time to each other, keep yourself healthy and help others to be healthy too.

Love you Steemian's @georgia14


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