You Can't Run 150km/hr On A Marathon To Success, You Need To Take Your Time.

in #motivation7 years ago

Hurrying and shortcut in most cases never help, rather they either delay you or make you disorganised. Hurry has never made a plant produce seeds before the harvest period.

Some days back, a friend of mine wanted to go for an interview, he slept late and woke up late. When he got up, he dashed straight to the bathroom to pick his toothbrush then he had a sharp and fast bath so he will not be completely late; it was 10minute to the interview session. I was watching him do everything without saying a word. He continued hurriedly, as he wore his clothes and picked up his car keys. while running out, I called him and said "where are you going to in a hurry", he told me to let him be, that he is running late. I allowed get into his car, then I called him again with my mobile phone. Good enough, he picked and yelled at me. I then asked him if he was knotting a tie, and if he took his credentials? Then he came back and apologised for his attitude.

Rush and hurry never solve anything, rather it leads to being disorganised, which may have a detrimental effect on the reason you are in a hurry.

Image Reference

Making headways in life is not by how fast you are or the numbers of shortcuts you know. Success is not determined by speed or how fast you want to get things done, success is all about timing, consistency, direction and patience.

Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him - LORD CHESTERFIELD

In a marathon, the winners aren't the fastest runners. When the whistle is blown, those that know the trick to success in marathon start by jogging. They jog, conserving their energy while those who do not know about it, start running very fast. Soon they are out of air and energy, then they start falling and wearing out while those who understand the rules now start pushing towards the finish line. enabling them to win.

Imare reference

There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are no honours too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience. - Jean de la Bruyere

When you do the wrong thing at the wrong time, there is a kind of sad feeling because you might end up getting the wrong result

Trying to hurry down the road to success is always accompanied by misfortune. Most times, it might require starting all over, leaving you with wasted time and regrets. Whatever is what doing, deserves your time and patience.


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This is just so true! Shortcut most times even lead to problems.

Hurrying and shortcut in most cases never help, rather they either delay you or make you disorganised. Hurry has never made a plant produce seeds before the harvest period.

Plus doing the wrong thing at the wrong time can obviously get you a wrong result... Also doing the wrong thing at the right time can equally lead to a bad result.

This post is just so motivational, thanks for sharing!

success comes with effort and steps slow stduy wins the race.

That's true, thanks a lot for your contribution my friend

I think they had your post in mind with the invention of this adage 'There is no hurry in life'. Hurry in most cases would always take you back to the starting point. Thank you for sharing.

This is food for thought! Hope someone is listening, there is no hurry in life, I noticed that early in my life and it helped me and still helping till now.

Nature can also help us understand better on this great topic, there is time and season for everything, I've not seen the sun hurrying to set, it takes the proper time, I've not seen the earth going against the laws of nature in a hurry to harm us; so why are hurting ourselves in a hurry over life that we do not really have control of?

Thanks a lot @gbenga.

This is my favorite post from you.

Thanks my friend for visiting my blog, I'm glad you always visit.

Motivating, @gbenga.. Thank you soo much, what a nice way to start a day.

Thanks a lot, I'm glad you liked it

It's good to read this morning message and this words below gat me thinking.

In a marathon, the winners aren't the fastest runners. When the whistle is blown, those that know the trick to success in marathon start by jogging.

I also observed that success doesn't result to the quantity of people you know but that quality of people around you.

Thanks for making my morning great
It's your Blockchain Entertainer

#Fact #Hardtalk #voiceshares

Thanks @gbenga i really needed this. Heard about the awesomeness of steemit. Became a member and made few posts hoping i'll be smiling away with alot but i didnt. Guess this article of yours was meant for me alone. I see it as a direct message. Thanks sir. I appreciate

I hope you enjoy your steemit journey my friend

This is very motivating

Just that we human being see our problem as a big source of hindrances.... We always want to get out of problem quickly.... But if we don't take time to eradicate the source of our problem before we live it, it'll come back to the nearest tomorrow as a bigger one.

Slow And Steady Win The Race

Slow And Steady Win The Race

If everyone believes this and work by this, the results will be different

With no doubt bro

This is just so true! Shortcut most times even lead to problems.

Hurrying and shortcut in most cases never help, rather they either delay you or make you disorganised. Hurry has never made a plant produce seeds before the harvest period.
Plus doing the wrong thing at the wrong time can obviously get you a wrong result... Also doing the wrong thing at the right time can equally lead to a bad result.

This post is just so motivational, thanks for sharing! i like this.

We live in an environment where shortcut is the order of the day. Hardwork is now something people regarded as slow to do. Everyone wants that instant gratifying job to do. No one wants to wait. I introduce someone to steemit and when he heard it'd take 7 days to get his reward he fled. He thought he'd get it same day. It is a worrying trend. Thanks

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