101 Ways to happiness - #66 Never regret anything, because at that time it was exactly what you wanted

in #motivation6 years ago
  • If I would have the chance to live this life again, I would have made myself more relaxed and live more dynamic.

  • I would do more "stupidity" and take things less seriously and reasonably.

  • I would use more opportunities and go on several trips.


  • I would climb more mountains and swim more lakes.

  • I'd have more real problems than imaginary ones.

  • If I could go back, I would walk more lightly.

  • I would laugh more and be less anger.

  • I'd buy fewer things and I'd rather spend it on experience.


  • In the spring and until fall, I would walk barefoot on the grass.

  • I'd rather dance.

  • I would listen to people around me.

  • I would invite friends for dinner, even if I had a mess in the apartment.

  • I would rather laugh in front of the television and watch more of my life.

  • I would say many times I'm sorry, and I love you.


What would you do differently if you had to go again from the beginning? Live in such a way that you will ultimately say: I wouldn't do anything different.

Photos made by me and my Samsung A5.


There is still time to do all the things you listed above. Pick a few and give it a try ;)

As for me, I would probably change a few things too. I would try harder at university and spend more time with my older sister. But not much more :)

Thank you. I know it's never too late to make changes for better. And so nice to read, that you are not having many regrets. The study part ok, I think we all have been there and done that in a way we could have been better.

But the part about spending more time with your sister - like said before - it's never too late. I bet she is feeling the same, and she would love to be more with you in the past. But obviously there wasn't the right time, and you will surely have more opportunities when the time will be right. I can just thank all this amazing technology, which is holding us all together with our loved ones.

Oh great question!! I would do so many things differently ... if I knew the consequences like I do now. I have too many "if onlys". So to answer your question

I can only live today like I have no tomorrow.

It sounds trite but I have asked myself this question too many times throughout my life. Your list is amazing. And I can check off most of them, which, I know is so surprising since we share the same brain :)

I'm not living in regret though as a constant. I have my moments where I wish I did this or that a lot differently. Then after a while of self deprecation, I pull up my boot straps and join the land of the living again. For that time I will laugh more, feel more compassion for others (instead of feeling sorry for me, wa wa), I will do things that I enjoy etc etc.

Life is messy. And all we can do is be aware and attentive to what we have right now.

The end :)

ps - I forgot to mention your beautiful macro shots. Excellent. I love this little blue forget me nots - I think that's what they are anyways. Have a wonderful day my friend.

Sweet photos! Keep it up!

Wow what a nice photographs! One upvote for you, thanks to share.

Thank you.

It's not late still. I would not change everything, few things made me do some things that i didn't wanted but i don't want to bother me, need to go forward. I will never forget, but i will keep those things in my "little brain pocket".

That's the spirit and the right way of thinking. All those little "mistakes" are making us what we really are, and without them, we wouldn't be the same. The main thing is to hold our head high and think positive about yourself. With that in mind, everything is possible.

What a beauty! I adore macrophotographies of flowers.

Thank you very much.

Beautiful pictures :)

Thanks for sharing nice picture sir @emmamia. Great phoyography with beautiful flowers. I like your post sir. keep going..Best of luck.

Happiness is one of the most important things in the life!

what would I do differently?
I'd hoard on btc when it was worth nothing ^ ^

and would have shopped less and traveled more
not that I did not do just that when I was young and single
just that I shopped much back then ..
drain and broke was the word :D

still love the life I've lived and living though :)
cheers ... to the now :)!

Cheers to you too... I think we all spent too much on something... My week point was food -such a waste of money since I now have to work out a lot to lose some weight.

But I totally agree with you - I wish I would invest in cryptocurrencies before. But no matter what - we will survive with this little, and rise to the top for sure. Someday.😊

aw! I still eat a lot, too
it's hard to resist yummy food specially when they're also healthy
but I have a secret weapon against slowing my metabolism down
it's ginger and turmeric in juices - first thing I take in the morning

however, now that am 40 my metabolism seems slowing down too
but am okay, too skinny is no fun, either
when the wind blows I feel scared that I'd be pushed hard like a paper being blown away

I hope you get to loose weight fast - greens and lots of greens is a shortcut, too

yes, we shall rise! one day and maybe soon

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