How To Be Excellent on Steemit - Start Right Now With a Great Strategy

in #motivation6 years ago

Every start is difficult, you write a great post with a lot of enthusiasm, and finally you see 0 cents. Steemit is a combination of business and social networking, people invest money first in themselves, but of course they help others to grow on a success scale. There are certain rules that will take you to the top of the blogging world. First, let's start from the title, if the title does not attract attention, then there is no way for you to get readers .The title should attract certain readers. Especially if you are new to Steemit, there are many new posts every minute, so you have a limited time to draw attention to your text. It is necessary for your title and image to attract attention from the users

Your title has to talk about the essence, do not write attractive titles that are not related to the text.On the other hand, your title must be true, because if you lie, you will not be followed by anyone.Let's know immediately in the title, what can they expect from the text. I will give you a few examples:

" I have a broken boss, and I love my job, how to overcome the problem? "

" How to be successful in marriage for 50 years ? "

" Cryptocurrency is a great potential, I found the formula that I always make and never lose. "

The content must provide the right information, the content should inspire the audience and raise the emotions of the users.The content itself should have information that is useful for the readers. Because if you write about yourself, and no one recognizes yourself in your story, then you will not get the voters.The content should trigger emotions in people, give them flying and enthusiasm. So write first of all from the heart, with the intention of touching the soul of the reader.
You must fill in what you promised, in the title itself.The content is best to contain personal experience, successful stories and examples, as well as facts that are valid. Leave an excellent impression on the users, let them feel excited, they just need to want to be your fans.

Writing good posts depends on exercise, as well as everything else in life.In any case, you will only be successful in writing if you do it consistently, because writing is the best exercise. Over time, you will become a real master. I wrote 5 books, and again this is no advantage here on the site. Because the other part of the story says one is to be a good writer, and the other is to be a sold writer. Sometimes you write a great post, and you do not have earnings, or it is $ 0.01, it looks defeating. But do not be discouraged because more money takes more time, more promotions and more fans. There comes the other part of the story, that only good text can attract people, but if you apply and promote your posts to the right people - to the the key group, then you have a full hit.

Good communication with other bloggers makes 85% success on Steemit. If you want to succeed, you must write excellent comments. At the beginning, I selected 50 successful bloggers, I followed every post, I gave vote and I wrote excellent comments. My highest earnings per comment is 11 SBD, that's fantastic. Do not post comments like ( Thaks for sharing, I like your posts, Nice post, Exellent post, Nice Photo etc...). Read the post to the end, enter your heart and emotions in a comment. Strong bloggers have the experience and the sense to recognize who really respects them. At some point your posts will start to get more money, everything is achieved with a dedicated work and a sincere heart.

Good Luck

Believe in yourself @dobartim


Wow... You truly melted my heart with your content sir.

Read the post to the end, enter your heart and emotions in a comment. Strong bloggers have the experience and the sense to recognize who really respects them.

At first i used to feel that what mattered just commenting so that the author (especially a whale) would notice you.
But i have with time realised the essence of been yourself and pouring out your heart like you spelt out sir.

More power to your elbow sir

This is exellent comment - thank you

Thank you sir

Whales come in all shape and sizes, big whales, dramatic whales, whales that like photography, others that like cryptocurrencies, there are even whales that like drama, so just be urself in the comments...I would rather have 100 minnows upvote me than 1 whale, because i would rather know that 100 ppl liked my post than 1 person...

This is entirely true! captivating and keeping readers wanting more is mostly achieved by writing from the heart. It can really be discouraging at the outset when you earn nothing or peanuts. I still remember when I used to get 0.01 max on my posts, I even left for a while. I felt like I wasn't needed here and that there's nothing I could do about it. Until I realized I had to be patient, use markdown properly to format and make my posts presentable, make quality posts which people can relate to and actually make friends by joining some discord channels. Also going on voice channels to listen into shows and make presentations. Talking about my post's when I have the opportunity has indeed been very helpful so far. I'm not far up yet, not at all. But I'm not where I used to be and I'm still putting in work to keep moving forward.

Go ahead to the top

I will sure do my best. Thank you.

Agreed @handsome9ice. Easy to get discouraged at first, especially when you arent getting traction. At the end of the day its all about networking.

As @dobartim said in the post "Good communication with other bloggers makes 85% success on Steemit."

Yes, I agree. Having a good relationship with like minded people aids in both developing better skills at your interests and also getting the required support to grow...

It's so funny for me, because 1 hour ago i wrote my first article, had some readers, but 0 cents like you sad... so this article it's perfect timing for me, and i think for a lot of new users too.
Keep up the good work! Thanks

Yep it is about time to quit the old day job...
What do yo say?

Great Strategy thank you it will help us to gain a good reputation

you say right,
steem is business,
great news this you are the book writer,
thanks for sharing your idea

I'm glad you like it

Do not post comments like ( Thaks for sharing, I like your posts, Nice post, Exellent post, Nice Photo etc...).

Sorry for that but I have to say it is great article! I agree with you, comments and social networking are the most importing things for begginers because even if their posts are very beautiful, they disappear.

Thanks for the advices, all the best.

"If you can dream it, you can do it"

Live your dreams

I will do it, thank you.

Awesome content! I must admit that articles like these are very helpful to beginners like me who are trying to figure out steemit! I would consider this a starting point of my journey in Steemit and will certainly try to stick to the points you have mentioned! Thanks a lot for this article. Keep them coming :)

I love my 0.01usd 100% upvote power .. i give it only to people who i feel have put in a lot of effort and have talent..
So i have liked your post .. haha thankyou very much :))

You are welcome

Life as a fresher on steemit is not easy thanks for your encouragement @dobartim

You are welcome

I would like you to carry me along

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