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RE: Are Success and Motivation Directly Related?

in #motivation6 years ago

Hey @gmichelbkk,

Thanks for this post. I like that you're adding personal development posts to the mix of excellent content that you offer.

I find that two things affect both short and long term motivation:

  1. Original source of idea to get involved
  2. Fear

If the original idea is purely mental based and doesn't include a lot of heart feeling, connection and support, I find that motivation decreases to almost nothing when things get tough. Challenges usually arise and while the brain/mind can logic out strategy, tactics and potential pathways, it is the heart that intuits whether something is truly a right fit at that given time and will be for awhile... or not.

Fear on the other hand just crushes motivation anywhere it tries to rear its head. Even if the heart knows and gets the go ahead to proceed, if fear exists, it has to be faced rather than denied and pushed away. Otherwise procrastination pays a long, uninvited visit that can last for years, if not the entire lifetime.

Courage to fully embrace, absorb, own and move through each and every aspect of fear of the new being undertaken, not only dissolves the block to success but frees the full flow of inner motivation.

In that way, the heart can follow its inner guidance steps to explore, meld and create afresh.

My life lessons:

  1. Always think things through but pay extremely close attention to the cues, the guidance the heart is always giving that we often choose to ignore. If there is conflict on proceeding between heart and mind, don't or press pause.

  2. Fully and intimately explore all fear, obvious and deeply disguised and hidden. Pat, hug, draw out, befriend, commune, fully feel, creatively express through journaling, sound, dance, meditation, art etc, own, integrate, absorb, become the fear until it dissipates in to nothingness.

Thanks again, Michel and create an amazingly meaningful and fun week.


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