The Difference Between The Heaven And Hell And Which One Is Steemit

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

When talking about heaven and hell, we are often thinking about two different places. One is somewhere there above the clouds, in bright and shiny azure hights while the other is somewhere deep down in some scary and flamy burning darkness.

But what if the heaven and hell are, in fact, the same place?

If you think I'm some arrogant heretic when I can question something like that in such a horrible way by placing those two entirely different environments at the same place, keep reading.

Heaven and HellImage Source: Pixabay. Credits to ZERIG for stairs-heaven-hell, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

This past Sunday when I was finishing the preparations for our family Easter lunch and waiting for our kids to arrive, I overheard from the radio that was playing aside, in some short news report, how Pope Francis in his Easter preaching said that human egoism is killing the world and it's a main threat to the humanity.

WOW! I shockingly stopped whatever I was doing at that moment to think for a moment about that thought. Unfortunately, I had to admit, he is right. He hit it right in the middle!

I would only add to that the 'vanity.' The egoism and the vanity will destroy us entirely!

We are in fear of terrorist attacks, war, atomic bombs, bio-weapons and who knows what else, but none of it can act and happen by itself without being driven by some human being or a smaller or bigger group of people powered by some narrow, selfish interests and goals.

We, in fact, don't need any of those highly developed weapons or some new tactics. They are anyway, although maybe more advanced but still, just the tools. The old rusty chains and/or a kitchen knife is good enough the same if they are in the hands of an egoistic and full of vanity person. Because only those two (egoism and vanity) can produce the amount of hate, envy, jealousy, desire for power and supremacy significant enough to harm and destroy the other human being.

All of that reminded me of some moral tale brought to me even as some kind of joke by someone I don't recall anymore who it was, and which tale started with a simple question.

The difference between Heaven and HellImage Source: Pixabay. Credits to Alexas_Fotos for sky-hell-contrary, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

What's the difference between the heaven and hell?

A man got a chance to meet St. Peter and to ask him whatever he wanted to know. He was full of questions for many aspects of life on all of which St. Peter was patiently answering.

At the end when the man exhausted almost all the questions he had, and when his curiosity get fulfilled he asked St. Peter one last thing, to show him how the heaven and hell genuinely look like.

St. Peter took him down a long hallway at the end of which were big wooden doors, opened it, and they entered into some vast room. In the room were placed two big tables, each on one side of the room and both equally, beautifully served and full with all sorts of most delicious food. People were sitting around both tables.

Tables filled with food
GIF Source: Own derivative work with the images from Pixabay. Credits to Engin_Akyurt for food-invite, to Samueles for sea-​​salad, to superyyl for gourmet-delicious, to CranberryWine for smorgasbord-food, to Beeki for feast-buffet, and to menglei for seafood-feast, all used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

At first glance, man didn't get it. What's the difference? What St. Peter is showing him exactly? Noticing man's confusion St. Peter told him to take a better look.

Now the man realized that people around one table were very cheerful, laughing and joking, kindly addressing each other. They all appeared very beautiful and in good shape while the people around the other table were heavily quarreling, yelling and throwing accusations and curses at each other with such anger and hatred that their faces distorted in ugly grimaces. He also noticed they all had starved and skinny bodies.

The man throws a look to St. Peter with a question mark in his eyes. Knowing what man would like to ask him, St. Peter started to explain.

- You see, on both tables, they have plenty of food which is available to all of them, and just seemingly the problem is the cutlery.

Giant SpoonImage Source: Pixabay. Credits to nachovallejo65 for pearl-drop-metal, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

St. Peter continued to explain.
- They had only those giant spoons to grab the food and feed themselves, but one can't reach own mouth with any of those spoons. Realizing that, those around the first table know the only way not to stay hungry in front of the table full of food is by supporting and helping each other. That's why the person on one side of the table is feeding the other person across the table. And as you may see they have a lot of fun helping each other that way.
- That's, my friend, how the heaven looks like, concluded St. Peter.

A man throws a look at the first table to grasp that peaceful and warming but joyful atmosphere once again while St. Peter started to talk about the second table.

- You see those around the second table are too selfish and greedy to share anything with anyone. Everyone wants everything just for him/herself, and with those giant spoons, they continuously try to reach only their own mouths.

- As well, blaming everybody else around the table for their constant failures with every next attempt they get more and more furious. That's why they are yelling, throwing accusations and curses at each other. Being possessed and ruled by own egoism and vanity they don't want even to consider changing their behavior, so they continue starving in front of the full of the food table. That's, my friend, how the hell looks like.

From the above story, we can see that heaven and hell don't have to be two different places.

It could be the same place which only we have the power of choice to turn it into one or another through own behavior, thoughts and actions!

So, what does it have to do and how we would know...

Which one is Steemit, the heaven or the hell?

Steemit Heaven & HellImage Source: Own derivative work with the images from Pixabay. Credits to geralt for beyond-sky, to code404 for nebula-apocalypse-disaster, and to terimakasih0 for buddhist-hell, all used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

According to the moral of the just told tale, there is not an unambiguous definition or answer to this question, but if you say to me at what 'Steemit table' you are sitting, I will tell you if Steemit is the heaven or the hell for you.

  • If you are following thousands of members but hardly giving some upvote to any of them and if your Voting Power never dropped to 80% or is continuously at 90% or even 100%;
  • If you are leaving left and right dozens or even hundreds of meaningless generic comments like, "Nice post! Great photo! Visit my blog! Follow me," and similar, producing them like some robot on the production line;
  • If you are chasing fame, recognition, followers, and upvotes only for yourself (no matter by which tactic) and never giving anything in return to your upvoters and commentators;
  • If you never return the visit (with at least a comment if not an upvote) to your upvoters;
  • If you never reward your commentators with an upvote;
  • If you are creating one-photo, one-meme, one-somebody-else's-video posts;
  • If you are producing tens of posts per day just to squeeze every possible tiny coin from Steem Reward Pool;
  • If you are posting the same content on several different accounts or platforms all of which are using the same Steem Reward Pool;
  • If you are publishing (more or less) blatantly obvious copied/pasted or plagiarized content (text and images) stolen or just borrowed from around the web;
  • If you have a more significant amount of Steem Power but rarely or never vote, grudgingly counting every single percentage of it like you are truly giving something from your own pocket even it's not the case;
  • If you are spreading the votes only among your closed circle never giving a chance to anyone else especially not some newcomer;
  • If your selfishness, conceit, egoism and vanity list goes on,

I'm sorry my dear, you are sitting at the wrong table, and sooner or later you will realize that you have created own Steemit hell.

Steemit HellImage Source: Own derivative work with the images from Pixabay. Credits to code404 for nebula-apocalypse-disaster, and to terimakasih0 for buddhist-hell, all used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

In contrary to all of that and...

  • If you selflessly and devotedly spread around every day 20% of your Voting Power among good content providers and community supporters (no matter if they are old or new members, big or small fishes in this Steemit ocean);
  • If you cherish the network of your followers, upvoters, and commentators, help them and support them back (especially when their overall work and contribution deserves that);
  • If you are helping other members (especially the new ones) with your advice and guidance to help them faster and easier learn and adopt Steemit community rules, teach them how the whole system works and showing them vast and various available possibilities among which they may choose and determine their own future Steemit path;
  • If you are publishing own original and quality content with no more than four posts per day (avoiding to rape the reward pool and abuse the platform);
  • If you are leaving quality, meaningful, contributing and topic related comments under the posts you have been upvoted (or not, in the case when you already spend all your available upvotes for the day);
  • If in between conflict, argue and criticism on one side you would always rather choose helping and supportive kindness from the other side;
  • If you are willing to share your knowledge and skills, and if you are are the giver who (at least not always) expect something in return,

I'm happy to say my dear fellow Steemian, you have joined the right table, and sooner or later you will realize that Steemit became a joyful and heavenly place for you with numerous opportunities!

Steemit HeavenImage Source: Own derivative work with the image from Pixabay. Credits to geralt for beyond-sky, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

Posted on Wednesday, April 4, 2018

SteemitBoard Ana-Maria Personal Badges


This was really well written, and a good allegory applied to steemit. I'm happy to say, I've yet to meet anyone on here or on the related Discord servers who seem to disagree with this advice or viewpoint. Everyone here seems so encouraging and positive and hopeful for doing their own little part to create a community that works, and the best way possible. There are trolls, but maybe I just don't pay them much mind - if they are that many at all. I've seen minor disagreements between people, political or religious, but the way they've been resolved has been nothing but constructive. I think people who've come here have done so for a reason, and most seem very aware in that way to approach things with the best intent.

Thank you very much for your kind comment! 🙂

Regarding trolls on Steemit, unfortunately, there are a lot of them. In fact, to many of them. The only good thing about them is that for now, most of them are among the smaller accounts (with a small or even no impact on the overall community), as by now they have been detected soon enough. Although there are a few trolls among bigger accounts too (even whales). Personally, I'm trying to ignore them, no matter how big or small their accounts are.

One small tip for you!
I've noticed you have upvoted my article and I'm very grateful for that. The bad news is that your vote got lost and wasted simply because my article is over 7 days old.

The thing is that our articles are active (for voting) only 7 days (or to be precise 6 days and 12 hours = 156 hours all together) after it was published.
Meaning, if you cast a vote for an article (as it was the case with mine - this one) which is 7 days old or older, your Voting Power is going to be deducted for the particular number of percentage (according to the vote weight) of the given vote, but neither I would receive that (given) Steem/SBD as the authors reward nor you as the Curation Reward.
Therefore, I would suggest you keeping an eye on the article age before you give the vote. If under the post is already written that is 7 days old - just skip from voting it.
In case you really want to reward that author, you may try to find some maybe still active his/her comment below it which is younger than 7 days where you can give your vote, or simply find another still active article of the same author. Any of those two would be a win-win combo for both sides (the author's and for you as a curator). 😉

Hope, this would be of some help to you! 🙂

Thank you for that advice. I knew that, I think I just didn't notice on this one. Also, my vote is pretty much worthless lol. I resteem to show support right now, and well, I comment. I enjoy the commenting the most, honestly. Thank you, though, for trying to help me. I appreciate that. :)

Well thought out post. Did you know the Pope said, according to an interview featured last week, that there is no hell? Of course the Vatican about went crazy, as you can imagine.

But back to your post: Perhaps we could call what you champion "Cooperative Abundance". Indeed, this is what we are creating on Steemit, don't you think. Blessings.

I like this term of yours, "Cooperative Abundance," very much! 🙂

Rather catchy don't you think. Perhaps this way of working together is the paradigm shift we've been looking for.

Yes, it is, and not only catchy it somehow illuminates the whole thing quite different and more positive (at least from my point of view). And for sure it is the kind of shift I was looking for.

The only problem might be, I'm afraid, not everyone sees it that way or even less are willing to accept it and work in that direction. It's amazing what people may come up with just trying to find some effortless shortcuts to grab a few bucks.

Humans! Yes the old survival instincts are slow to change. We are both: yin/yang, +/-, light/dark, fear/love. We each must choose. Cooperative abundance is a choice of love.

Agreed, Cooperation Abundance is an acceleration towards destiny. The Pope is not really who we think he is in many ways, historically speaking.

very true.
very wise words.

Thank you! 🙂

Thanks @ana-maria for the well crafted post. Really like your analogy with heaven and hell and applying it to Steemit. I have too admit I have a met a few "hellions" here at Steemit. But the vast majority have been "angels" or at least "angels in progress " :)

Thanks! And yes, I think we all have met both kinds at some point. 😉🙂

I like what you say and your analogy with the story is spot on. I look at it as human nature. With anything economic or political you can always boil it down to 2 factors to predict the outcome. Human Nature & Money. That seems to support your point as well. My only comment on what you have laid out is my opinion that we need to accept short form content here and not worry about quality. Steemit is set up to be like Medium and that isn't sustainable. Too much competition is on its way. People like to share and consume short buzzy content and that is how social media thrives. In my opinion we need apps like @steepshot to keep this ecosystem going. If not, we will argue it to the ground while everyone else just moves on.

Well, I can agree with you that we are not always in the mood for reading some long or even very long articles. As well, short or shorter ones might be equally interesting. But I wouldn't agree with you short content should be some new rule that we need to accept. Recent new waves of newcomers that arrived at Steemit hunting some quick buck mostly uses those short forms that turn out to be in over 90% of cases pure scam and spam.

The other problem connected to that (although not limited only to short or shorter forms) is a copyright violation that may cause not only termination of those accounts but even the whole platform in case of some serious charges being filed from some big players out there. Unfortunately, not too many members are aware of that although we have seen several similar projects being killed exactly because of that.

Steepshot app and similar projects might become very successful with a potential to turn in some sort of new Instagram with the additional advantage of commercial (earning/rewarding) possibility, but only as long as we keep it safe from above-mentioned copyright violations.

From my point of view, all of that just proves we should cherish the quality before the quantity, and no matter how many competition is on its way or even better just because of it.
My personal odds would always go for the quality first. From my off-line experience in sales and marketing (and no matter what kind of goods or services are in question), cheap and low quality turn out to be one-time sales not rarely followed by losing the customer forever, while the high-quality ones and even when more expensive build long-lasting and trustful relationships, although it might take longer to achieve them.

Besides, in the past 2 years, Steemit didn't raise his STEEM value from $0.10 to the current rate through quantity but through quality, while a vast majority of the social media crowd was still occupied and playing with 'short buzzy content' on FB, Twitter or similar not even knowing of Steemit existence. Not to mention that the owners of those platforms don't care at all about the quality those masses were publishing or sharing there as long as they stay active on the platform and bring them the exclusively owned profit.

That's not the case here if nothing else because we don't have advertisers on which the whole system depends. As well, in contrary to other social media sites, the interest of the owners, creators and main shareholders (whales) of Steemit is to spread the value they hold through their Voting Power as this can only help the growth of the platform and additional raise of Steem coin value. But as they are aware that only one big and serious lawsuit may destroy the branch not only they but we all are sitting on, they have to pick wisely what kind of content providers they would support, and I don't think it would be those that create mostly plagiarized but a short buzzy content.

After all, if such content would be the way to go than Synereo (who btw started to build their platform almost at the same time as Steemit did) but just a month ago launched their WildSpark platform on which you don't have to create any content but just share somebody else's to get rewarded, would be now facing enormous masses arrival from all social media platforms, but it doesn't (or at least I don't see that exodus there either not some big earning potential). Not to mention that their Synereo (AMP) coin (after two years) still worth less than $0.20 and their whole earning concept is entirely different.

We are the advertisers to and for each other, as we are upvoting each others content (ads) and anything and everything can be ads even if they are not ads. This social network uses a cryptocurrency which is shifting our dependency on Centralized Rothschild Dollars and other systems like that and all of that is changing the world in so many ways. Bitcoin and Steemit and Litecoin are growing. Bitcoin will be over a million dollars in the next two years probably assuming that the dollar continues to die.

-Which one is Steemit, the heaven or the hell?
i think heaven now :)
I don't know when it will be hell ...

Nice Pizza!

Is that better?

Oh, you... old TSU joke-maker 🙂

motivation that varies to become a perfect inspiration.@ana-maria

Its simple. Less Sp = Hell, much Sp = Heaven.

Hmmm... It seems to me like you didn't catch the point as your statement sounds to me quite the same as it would be the saying that only money rich people are the satisfied, fulfilled and happy ones.

Hm, even you seem not to trust your own words. Your own message to the people. That's why you have to use bid bots. To make yourself visible. And how you do this? By spending SBD.


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