The Origin of Mother's Day

in #mothers7 years ago (edited)

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In the history of Indonesia, the First Women's Congress (1928) was a milestone for the movement of Indonesian women. The anniversary of the congress is celebrated as Mother's Day and to this day is recognized as the precursor of the birth of the Indonesian women's movement.

The idea for holding Mother's Day was proposed and accepted at the Women's Congress in 1938. It became a national day after the Republic of Indonesia consolidated in 1950.

Nationalist leaders, newspaper commentators, and colonial officials-welcomed it as a remarkable success and recognized as the starting point of the history of the Indonesian women's movement. Unfortunately, not many people know what has happened at the grand gathering, except on the number of women's organizations that have joined together to form a federation.

Indeed, various writings on Indonesian history mention the congress as the only noteworthy event of the movement of women in the colonial period, but only limited to a few sentences, without analyzing what has happened therein.

The Congress held in Yogyakarta is no more than two months after the Youth Pledge was vowed. Like the Youth Pledge that showed excitement among youths, the Women's Congress held in the same year, also wanted to realize the same spirit of the women's movement members of the period.

         Emancipation towards unilinear

home telatah origin mother's day by: Muhammad iqbal12: 32 pm - Friday, December 22, 2017  illustration: officials satpol regulation women talking after follow Memorial service mother's day 89th in the National monument, Jakarta, Friday (22/12). in the mother's day, the addition to commemorate the role of women as biological mother also commemorate the birth of equality rights of women and men in Indonesia. © Rosa panggabean / between photos in the history of Indonesia, Congress of the first woman (1928) is a milestone for the movement of women Indonesia. birthday Congress was celebrated as a mother's day and today recognized as Titi prey the birth of women's movement Indonesia. idea to hold a mother's day proposed and received on Congress women on the 1938. that day to day of the National, after the Republic of Indonesia terkonsolidasikan 1950. leaders nationalist, commentators newspaper, and officials Colonial-greet him as a success extraordinary and recognized as a starting point the history of women's movement Indonesia. Unfortunately not much to know what happened in the meeting Akbar, the exception of a number of the organization of women who have joined form a Federation. indeed various posts about the history of Indonesia mention the Congress as the event the only noteworthy of the movement of women in the Colonial period, but only limited to some of phrase only, without analyze what had happened in it. Congress held in Yogyakarta no more than two months post youth pledge diikrarkan. as well as the oath youth showing excitement among youth, Congress women who held in the same year, also want to realize the same spirit of the members of the women's movement in that time. Emancipation to unilinear to date, many people who is assumed that the implementation of Congress 1928 it is time started for women's movement, and also for the nationalist movement. one of the sign are the magnitude of the number of participants at the reception preceding the opening of Congress, and also in the event meetings public held a few days in a row. according to Susan Blackburn in the book Congress of the first woman: a review re (2007), the report of the meeting noted that approximately 1,000 present at the reception held date night December 22, 1928. among the present there member organizations important Indonesia led by men, such as representatives from boedi oetomo, National party Indonesia (PNI), pemoeda Indonesia, party sarekat Islam, walfadjri, Jong Java, Jong madoera, mohammadijah, and Jong islamieten bond. the Observer noted a number of important figures: Mr. singgih and Dr. soepomo of boedi oetomo, Mr. soejoedi of PNI, Dr. soekiman of PSI, and a.d. haani, chairman of walfadjri the Wings of her famous enough radical. in addition to the reception, there are three meeting open next during the course of Congress, attended between 750 to 1,000. in Congress that there are 15 speakers and it turned out almost everything comes Dai different organizations, such as: women oetomo, poetri Indonesia, aisjijah, poetri boedi sedjati, darmo Lakshmi, roekoen wanodijo, Jong Java, women moelyo, and women Park students. diversity organizations involved in Congress that shows the spirit of the organization of women in the time has been a very high. seems Indonesian women do not want to miss in prove the existence. it is recognized, Congress is still Java centric, if the views of the profile of the speaker and participants that most of coming from Java (only a speaker from Sumatra), but of 23 organizations are present can be seen that there organization based on Islam and Catholic and non-religious. organizations involved in Congress most of an organization that have been very well-established and well-known at that time. it should be noted that there is a small organizations that time, namely natdatoel fataat formed in Yogyakarta by Islamic organization walfadjri, but issues which made in the various debate considered very radicals in that time. even proposal-proposal is still very relevant to the kiwari. activists women in the Congress has been very brave argue and argued in defending the establishment respectively. disagreements between the organization of Islam look also in a variety of discussion and often takes place so a lot. there's organizational Islam solid not willing to receive updates or changes berkelindan with women's issues Muslim. other well as Jong islamieten bond, damesafdeeling (jibd) -sayap women sarekat Muslim-and natdaoel fataat, both recognized by Congress participants as Islamic organization very forward thinking in carrying the status of indigenous women. the results of Congress according Cora vreede-de stuers in his work, the history of women Indonesia: movement and achievement (2008), all organizations involved in Congress was clearly want the establishment of a Fellowship sustainable, which can be bringing together the society-Association women Indonesia. this is the main purpose of Congress. regarding this also is the success of the greatest. there are a number difference of opinion of the form of Fellowship of the proposed. it is to be something continue to haunt the history of women's movement in Indonesia. most wanted a 'Union Indonesian women', but some more careful. organizing committee propose that Congress women Indonesia to be 'a container discussion for all the Association of Indonesian women' that will make a variety of activities, such as published a magazine. Congress eventually decided to form the body permoefakatan, named engagement perempoean Indonesia (PPI). the board big chaired by r.a. soekonto have moderate the Congress, and while the other women who is also very play a role in the implementation of Congress included joined the board. during's Congress and immediately after that, most organizations take part in Congress join in the PPI. while the organization of which is not join are: boedi Rini, sarekat Islam the wife (sibi), santjaja Rini, wanito moeljo, Jong Java, and nahdatoel fataat. organizations that looked need to consult prior to the board of managers. for some organizations, Congress was of course menabalkan that the new body of the more radical from which they expect, but for some other organizations, Congress was considered still less far steps, or perhaps its participation in the PPI vetoed by the agency led by the sex of men, such as sibi and natdatoel fataat. at the end of Congress, a statutes and action plan for the PPI has composed and approved. statutes it States that the PPI 'mean to be a body connective for all the Association of Indonesian women, and aims to improve the fate and the status of women Indonesia without reference to something religion or belief political'. regarding this means need to look for ways to be able to hold the Congress each year to issues related to the women's able to look for the solution. for communication tools necessary published a news as discussion forum for women, even expected to Act as judge on the difference of opinion that there are among the members. member PPI will consist of organizations that have the statutes usual. members are women Indonesia original. members are required to pay a fee. every organization become members have one voice. leadership is a board that consists of at least five, chosen by Congress for the time of year, and the board will determine the place, which for a while is in Yogyakarta. PPI will form a container scholarship fund for education girls poor. the board will also promote movement Pandu daughter. all member organizations PPI asked to do the propaganda against the marriage of children and asked servants to help educate the public about this issue. management of the PPI will send the resolutions to Colonial government containing request that as soon as possible formed funds to support widows and orphans. motion this must be announced to the board of the people (volksraad), and also to the print media. Congress is also listen to the description of the requirements according to Islamic law can be included in the marriage contract. most women at that time was not know that in the requirements of Islam, women are entitled to file contested divorced. practice is called talik. this is how to woman getting a divorce and also protect them to polygamy, because if husband remarry then marriage can now be canceled. Congress is also take resolution that PPI will send a motion to councils religious contains proposed that the law talik facilitated by Islamic law in writing. approved also that the PPI will ask the government to require the leader of Islam to explain this provision in writing to the each candidate bride, and announced recommendations this Congress, especially on talik this in the people's Council and Press. review of the context of the history of women's movement in Indonesia, one thing that should be noted on motion this is that -from early kelahirannya- Federation women have dare entering the politics. that is, by asking requests to the government; even dare to take the attitude of the practice of marriage Islam. issues about marriage Islam in the end cause tension of the Federation, and lead to the split on the 1935. However, since 1928 still there are enough time to jointly propose a variety of proposed around the practice of marriage Islam to councils religious and the government. a post Congress 1928, the spirit of the board and members never loosen. in may 1929, PPI meetings general in Yogyakarta attended by 400 people and the issue of marriage children became a topic primarily, even look for an effort war (poeze 1983: 118). Congress second held in December 1929, PPI have 22 member organizations, and has got a response sympathetic of Colonial government of motion they say. even PPI also establish funds donations for students daughter. scholarship fund for students daughter coming from Heritage moegaroemah, one of the speaker in meeting 1928, died 1929 (women tamansiswa 1992: 41). magazine, wife, special published as a means of communication has also have 700 customers. Susan Blackburn in the work of the importance of entitled women and the state in the modern Indonesia (2004), reveals that in the following years, women's movement this change in the case of the form of the body umbrella. 1929 physique legal converted into a Federation, and in the development of next, there have been several times a change the name. in kongresnya in the 1930s, happening scrimmage in defending friendly relations between the most Islamist group with a group of secular, while Federation tend to be more pro-nationalist movement and political movement (Blackburn 2004: 19-30). Congress women Indonesia (kowani), the Federation of women who formed after independence, is derived directly from the PPI. own history depicts the tension and vulnerability in women's movement in Indonesia. kowani have experienced interference from the government Soekarno and Suharto, and become popular among the organization of young women. until then kowani not also can be said to represent the women's organizations Indonesia and all walks of life. Federation women can never represent all organizations women because many organizations each representing a variety layers in society Indonesia. Moreover efforts political constantly intervene in the form or reform Federation of women's organization. a National agency really can be said representative for women's movement Indonesia is a desire to be desired. never in the history of Homeland this looks idealism lighter-lit of business Prime to unite the women's movement in 1928...... resteem.. Power steem.....

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