Most Embarrassing ever


Basking in the euphoria of all excitement coupled with a big grin to match the look on my face, I was fully set for the first semester examination of my 300Level

Prior to my examination's eve, I was always set for a minimum of 7 hours reading time and a well programmed reading time weeks before the exam commences.
I also ensure I cover my entire course syllables through and fro at least 3 times fortnight to the examination.

Fully ready to kick start the first paper of 300Level first semester examination, the hall maintained a pen drop silence and might even be mistaken for a cemetery if walked in by a blind person.
The spacing between each student was awed as a giraffe may not even see the next student's written work.
Invigilators were mostly drawn from different departments and never included the particular course lecturer whose course was been written if there exists a need to feature in my department's lecturer which was rare.

I had all excitement and optimism prequel to the exam as I had already crammed more than 70% of the course content, description, notes and could perhaps freestyle my own idea on other areas questions could be drawn from.

Examination papers and answer booklets came on our desks, with a fully loaded capacitative will, I wanted to bounce and devour the contents of the examination than I found something awful...

Fortunately, the whole exam questions came from my anticipated areas but unfortunately, I crammed and couldn't recall what I had memorized.
Gosh!!!! I wished the ground could just open up and swallow me, I didn't envisage a moment like that might ever come.
Not even a single question can I devour and scatter it amidst the high level of optimism I had brought to the exam venue.
Will I give it all up and submit an empty sheet and walk gently with an invited capital letter "F" grade?

While the thoughts of what to do to mitigate this challenge hit me, I got a running stomach in the exam hall and might be delayed if I seek a permission to defecate at the rest room.
Oh no!!! Could this be real!? I thought to myself
Alas!!! It was all happening in an examination hall to make matter worse.
I had eaten loads of Beans and Garri (Cassava flakes) in the early hours of the day. No doubt, that was the culprit of my running stomach. Lol!

I was lucky to get help from a friend who was a good crammer too..He told me question 1 then I fired on with the rest, my intuitive skill played a good role too...
I managed with the running stomach and finished the questions required.
I swiftly zoom to pay honour to nature's call at the rest room.
Result came out months later and I got an "A" grade.

Embarrassing moment turneng indeed!!!

To participate in this contest, by @dandesign86, check rules here:

Image adapted from dreamstime

All written content are true original work of the author


Haha you handled the situation well and to get the A must have felt very good ! Thanks for your submission:)

Felt really super great.

Nice post enjoyed reading it....thanks for sharing micky

Thanks for reading

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