Day Two - Love

Gratitude for love ... well ... isn't that easy?

The love I am most grateful for, today, in this moment, is self love.

I didn't always have it. It took a long time to figure out and find. I gave away a lot of love to a lot of unloving people before I found I was able to give that love to my self.

I spent a lot of time in the opposite state ... self loathing. self hating. self deprecating.

It was a long road to here. So many wrong turns. So many wasted hours of travel in bad directions.

But what a glorious place it is, once you stumble upon it!

Who knew that, all along, it was my self that deserved to be treated well by me. Who knew that it was I who deserved the attention and care and thought and patience that I proffered out to others so quickly and graciously.

I sure didn't realize it until much later in my life.

Of all the things I want to teach my children, to love themselves and put their needs and desires up on the top of their own priority lists is the most important thing I'd like to pass on to them.

To see that their lives are worth loving and living to the fullest every day.

To know that their dreams and desires are worth going for, they are worth pursuing.

To love their bodies as vessels to carry their souls through this human experience. And that means to honour their bodies as well. To honour the need for rest. For nutrition. For love and companionship. For healthy touch.

To never feel less for the actions of others.

To know that they are unconditionally loved. That their worth has no limitations.

That is the lesson of love that I pray they learn.

That is the example I aim to set.

The standards are high.
Reach them.
Pass them.

Look back at them and laugh at how much further love can make you soar.

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Of all the things I want to teach my children, to love themselves is the most important thing I'd like to pass on to them.

Nice thoughts here. I think one of the most underserved areas of Steemit is #parenting, so I hope you will continue to share your discoveries in that area. Your comments about the importance of self-love and self-care are spot-on, in my opinion, both for me and for my children, and for all of us, I'm sure. Oh, and your cup cracks me up. Good news: This gem of a post was discovered by the OCD Team!

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Sure of course you can share this post, and thanks for your lovely comments. I will be mindful of #parenting in posts that are focused on that :)

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