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RE: October 12, 2017

in #morningthoughts7 years ago

Thanks for sharing your #morningthoughts Jenn, as far as the tale above goes, I think perhaps you were asking for it, sorry. So far though, it seems you've not asked for anything here.

May I suggest an introduction post, even though your blogs are generally introducing yourself gradually. #introduceyourself #introducemyself are tags you could use.

I would also add #life and #story to this blog, and future similar work.

Anyway, I'd like to offer you this, let me know with a reply and we'll see if you can gain some more exposure (if you wish!)

This post has caught the eye of @MuxxyBot and has been nominated by the curation team. If chosen it will feature in a curation post by @MuxxyBot. An image from your post may be featured.
Please reply to this comment if you accept or decline.




you can follow me on facebook and Instagram if you'd like an #introduction ... :)

I'm already #exposed, thanks Asher!


hehe :) I see

Well i didn't mean that kind of exposure, more like a bit of mind exposure, that you could get some appreciation in the form of up-votes for.

Have a lovely day/night :)

p.s. I don't have an Instagram account and presume there are many JennTs in the world!

I am not sure I follow "mind exposure" ....

and I'd wager I am the only Jenn Thompson who hashtags morning thoughts on the daily ;)

Yes, when you blog here, like you have done today, you are mining Steem with your mind.

So, if you would like more people to see your morning thoughts on Steemit let me know and i'll see what muxxybot can do :)

hahaha ! What is muxxybot?

I am way new to steemit

hehe :)

See the comment with the robot above?

'This post has caught the eye of @MuxxyBot and has been nominated by the curation team. If chosen it will feature in a curation post by @MuxxyBot. An image from your post may be featured.
Please reply to this comment if you accept or decline.'


What is a curation post?


Your a special one aren't ya. In a good way of course.

When you upvote a blog, you may receive a curation reward - as your account is small, don't worry too much about this. Just find up to 10 posts you like each day.

Now, are you going to accept or decline muxxybots offer?

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