The morgenseiten of Katharsisdrill 15 - Planning!

It is strange that a thing like this - Morgenseiten, the stream of conciousness morning writings - have begun to be something I plan. It is not that I do it on purpose to masquerade as some kind of perfect writer, but more of an occupational illness. I have been an entertainer for so many years that I involuntarily and subconsciously always work on the next gig.

Haha, that was a complicated way of saying that I have planned nothing for today. The only thing I have planned is that I will have to go to the library, and as it is going to be a hot today, all I have been thinking about is when and how I can combine the bicycle ride with a visit to an antiquarian in Østerbro that has (I just checked) a German literary history from 1966 called: German literature from Thomas Mann to Bertolt Brecht. I normally do not like intermediation when it comes to art, I don't really like it in any circumstances actually, which is why I have been reading Wittgenstein, Pierce, Adorno and many other philosophers without understanding one bit. But this book is good. My maternal grandfather (in Danish simply: morfar) lend it to me when I was interested in expressionism, and it gave me a perfect introduction to a lot of poets I would never have heard about. Georg Trakl for example. I just realised that I needed it to look up things.

Time... I have a problem planning these days. Before I would just jump into the fray, like I was mud-wrestling a beautiful girl in a bikini (or maybe even without a bikini), but in the current state I get exhausted and stressed from these mud-wrestling sessions. I am actually planning my life... a bit.

I think that I in January/February had a slight depression or break-down or whatever you want to call it without really realising it, and that I now just have to take it slow. The next Phill-page will be my main concern (yes, I am only just started). Two or three things at a time is what I can cope with... next to my one and a half hour exercise and demanding wife and children. It is not that I have done nothing lately. I have made illustrations for the Adsactly short story contest, a rather interesting story this time and for me and @nevies Otagburuagu short stories. Go vote for his post it got far to little upvotes: Professor Otagburuagu - Episode 3. But i have too much chaos in my head... maybe it is getting back to social media? I am not sure. I will have to do some trial-and-error examinations to find the perfect balance.

And now I know what the title should be: Planning!

My friend @shortcut has started to write some posts every morning - #morgenseiten he calls it - morning-pages. Here is his explanation of the project:

It goes like this: you shall each morning write from the soul, anything going through your head.

He writes a lot more, but this is the essence :) (Read his first morgenseiten post here)

I have decided to try the same. I write from the top of my head every morning or late morning if I have been sleeping late. I only correct typos and make a headline afterwards. Else everything is left as written. Expect some of it to sound like stage directions.


“Run from what’s comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I’ll be mad.” – Rumi

I am making a reverse Rumi (that guy was a master of maxims for sure!). I was always ready to do this or my personality forced me to. Now I am Katharsisdrill! The petite bourgeois painter of pulp fiction, kitsch and sleaze.

The petite bourgeois painter of pulp fiction, kitsch and sleaze.

But an excellent one ;-)

Thanks, mate :) Sleaze is actually a very uncomfortable, fearful and disreputable place to be these days. I am good at Diaspora (not without some discussion though), and I just moved, again, to another Mastodon server where some nice French people will allow me to be me.

Someday I will end up together with the ironic gay-nazi anime crowd :)

I admire those who have the courage to be true to themselves, good on U :-)

I never know what to answer when people are nice... so I just made:

The hideous smile of Katharsisdrill!


Reading this reminded me that I had planned to do the same - that is, write morning pages - but already, after only two days I had forgotten! Thinking about it now, it would have been a good idea to take some time out and write, as, when I woke, my head was full of all the things I must do today and which, of course, will not all get done. I had so much chaos on in my head (good expression) on waking that I had a headache. But after reading someone else's morning pages (yours), I feel strangely better 😎.
Interesting book, too, I must look it up.

The book is in Danish, sorry. I translated the title. But I am sure you can find something out there about German literature around WWI. It is a very interesting period. And glad you feel better :)

I found New German Literature - that will start me off. I'm going to the University library tomorrow - looking for this will take me into a new part of the book collection.

Maybe you can look for some of the writers. Georg Heym, Gottfried Benn, Georg Trakl, and Alfred Döblin was some of the ones I read. I read Döblin's Alexander Platz in an old Danish version, the rest I read in German and in Danish translations. Still suck at German.

Draw the chaos.


I will have to think about that

we are also very hot here, I take an afternoon cycling time to go gardening, an early morning briefly, when the heat like this I prefer in the house only, all invincible by the heat ,, ha ha ha

I bet you are :) I will not even start to complain about the heat up here in the North :) I hope you are still having a good day!

thank you for your support. I spend my lunch sometimes by fishing in the river behind my house, :-)

And now I know what the title should be: Planning!

... Or not.

Planification sometimes kills the adventure. ;)

Sure does! But I only just am able to hold on to it anyway :)

When you need rest it is also good to read something in the library @katharsisdrill, thank you for re-steem my post. you can use the picture for you imagination of painting or something you like to do


You are more than welcome - I really like your posts! Thanks for the offer I might do that.

I think I might adapt this kind of writing to substitute my poetry on my blog from time to time. It's quite interesting how you put all those concepts together. ahahaha!! You are good man. This is nothing I never really thought of but I think it's quite useful when you don't have much planned or maybe have a writers block. Like I tell people that, everything is poetry and poetry is everything. Guess what? You can even write about how and/or why you have a writers block. Or why you think you can't express yourself, as people often say when protesting about the inability to write.

Use the tag #morgenseiten if you do, German for morning pages. It is an interesting experiment and fits perfectly to the experiment called

Excellent post thanks for sharing!!!

Awasome post

this is something new to me, thanks for sharing..

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