Full Moon View -

in #moon6 years ago (edited)

I have miles to go before I would consider myself to even be on the outer fringes of becoming adept with a camera but so far I am very happy I chose to invest in this new hobby. Last night was the first Full Moon since I purchased my Nikon P900 and even though clouds were rolling in I was seeing some breaks in the canopy so I sat perched up on the hill feeling very hopeful that I would be able to capture that full zoom shot of our closest heavenly body that has long been steeped in conspiracy theories.

Well no luck on that clear break but I was able to play around with shutter speed settings and lens filters and produced some fairly interesting effects.



With the cloud cover I was not able to stay focused in on the moon itself so always had to back off a bit. Then I started messing with the shutter speeds and though most photographs I took did not make the cut, I did have a few that might be considered for entry into my Moon Art folder.



I'll take some time with them in a photo editor but for now just wanted to put some up and maybe next month I will have a clear night to take some of those fully zoomed in photographs. And then perhaps I can dispel or possibly even convince myself of some of the theories surrounding the big beautiful body up in our night sky.

So far, I am fairly certain it is not in fact, made of cheese-


Wishing you well on this day, now go and be happy-



Great pics!

Hey thanks a lot, please check back in from time to time as I will be loading up a bunch more in the near future. Love Love Love looking up into the sky! I am actually practicing taking some of the nature scenes and loading them into my graphics software. (I am a ways off yet to making them presentable but soon I will get the hang of it)

Very kool. The moon is a kool pic no matter what. Resteemed 4sure

Wanted to share this with ya since beer cheese is a main feature of this dish. And beer and potatoe skins go so well together. Love to do a pairing with one of your own beers. I am the chemtrail chef after all. Lol but take a look

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