Buy your MONSTER RAFFLE 3 tickets in 2 clicks with Brand New 'Hot Links'

Ok folks, lets not beat about the bush here. We all know its MONSTER RAFFLE time and we have to beat @thedamus at his own game and everyone together has the power to out buy him. Last time @mikepm74 spetted up and took him on, things got personal and they were both buying tickets until the last minute with mikepm74 ending up with more tickets. Its was neck and neck and mikepm74 won a contest for MR2 tickets from a contest hosted by none other than thedamus, lmfao. Now to stop the craziness this time round, we have made it more easy to impulse buy the tickets. Oh, yeah!!!

2 Clicks and you own MR3 Tickets

1 Ticket

Im buying just have one

3 Tickets

A few more to increase your odds

5 Tickets

Im starting to get the hang if this

10 Tickets

A might give a few away to friends

20 Tickets

I have stackitis and find a fix

50 Tickets

I want all the silver!!!

If their is anyone that would like this code to use in their own post's about MONSTER RAFFLE 3, please DM silverstackeruk on discord (same-name)and i will hit you up.

I am @silverstackeruk and I approve this post

@buggedout, @raybrockman, @silverstackeruk, @welshstacker and @thedamus


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