
Bingo! We have a winner. Extra points for giving its well deserved nickname too ;)

YES! That building kicks ass ;)

Thanks for the tip dude. Next time I'll slow down on the guessing games and give others a chance ;)

Haha..Free market here on steemit so go wild! I'll just make it a little harder ;)

Deal! Challenge accepted.

Not fair you live in that state yeah :) Congrats anyway and i love the

I lived in Hong Kong yes, so it was easy to recognize. My nickname or steemmeupscotty's? I'm assuming you mean his, as it is pretty sweet

No sorry actually the nickname of the building that you mention ( thousand butthole building ) great sense of humor :)

Oh oops. Focus, osm0sis, FOCUS!
Yes it is very appropriate. Hong Kongers are a funny bunch :)

Got it ..yes focus i know what you were thinking :):)
steemmeupscotty's? haha !

Consider this image stolen @osm0sis -lol!

Here you go:

Lol! Your own personal emoticon. Inyourface size! If you want to use it for something, let me touch it up a little... I made this one fast

Love it! Thanks so much SteemmeupscottyHand.png

No worries :) Your name just has to have its own emoticon

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