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RE: The Light in the Tunnel - Monomad Challenge

in #monomad5 years ago (edited)

All three treatments of the image are terrific. I especially like the noir treatment of the black and white image, personally.

Might I use this image in a future writing prompt in my horror fiction FB group, Pandora's Box of Horrors?


I would be grateful if you could indicate the author if it is not a problem for you.

!giphy oh+yes

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

I love David Tennant in everything he's been in – and yes, I've seen about everything!

If I choose your image for the prompt, I would certainly credit you. I'm not sure you'd ever see it or know because it will be on Facebook only.

If it's a public contest, I can see easily. Have you a link to?

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It is public, but it's not a contest. The Pandora's Box of Horrors group runs a Build-A-Story prompt or just a creative prompt to creatively inspire members. You can find the group here:

Great, I saw. Nice group.
If you need the image or informations about, please contact me no problems.

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