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RE: Monochrome Monday totally random

Love the hot dog stand. That's a real taste of New York lol I'd go for the dollar pizza :-)

The igloo is a puzzle but a great marketing ploy. Maybe it the contrast between hot mexican food and ice cold igloo's? lol I have no clue.

The Rhino sculpture is just a straight up warning. Is anyone listening?


The igloo could also be there take on the bitterly cold temps the week I took that maybe one of the staff said if i knew it was this cold i would have gone to Alaska instead and builtan Igloo LOL
And about the rhinos sadly no ne is listening it was titled the last three but now it is the last two one of them died


if i knew it was this cold i would have gone to Alaska instead

Shame about the Rhino. It must be brass monkey weather over there? :-)

lol it was but this week temps are picking up hitting the 60s tomorrow 😎👍😎

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