Monochrome Monday Goes Merry

I had to start off with my daughters drawing of a poinsettia desaturated in to shades of grey.


Hello Friends

Welcome To A

Merry Monochrome Monday





I hope you all have a fantastic week. Be sure to slow down and take some time to enjoy the season.


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.

Be Safe!! Don't get hacked! - Post with your posting key!


The season does seem to accelerate a bit about now. Nice to be reminded to sit back and enjoy the tire tracks and such now and then. Thanks for that. And the nice Monochromatical's. I assume you have snow there. Not yet here, but the wind is supposed to blow like a mad-dog tonight, with much rain. They were talking about 30-40 foot breakers on the coast. Now THAT is mind boggling! Needless to say, I shall not go play within them. Kind of got off the subject there, didn't I?! I suppose little else is new in that department. Well, hope all is well in Michigander, and you are prepping for the holidays. Cheerio chap and all that good stuff.

Well we have not had much snow! (I should know better than to jinx it). It was funny last week when they got a foot in NC and we had none!!! For once I enjoyed telling friends there how pretty it looked while I didnt have to deal with it lol.

Merry monochromemonday 😊 love that.
Great pictures and I can't belive Christmas is here already... Lol
I really like your daughters drawing... Great talent 😉👌
Also the one with the tire prints.. Lovely pic.
Thank you for sharing and have a merry Christmas and wish you much joy and blessings.
Cheers! 🤗🌹🤗

Nice images there @old-guy-photos
I remember this poinsettia near our house as it develops red leaves when Christmas is nearing.

Happy Monochrome Monday, The photographs are great :)

And a Merry Monochrome Monday to you too!

Oh hey! Great to see you :)

Thanks. :)
Been busy with work and Whaleshares and more work before the holidays - sigh - but I stole some time back to see what the heck's been going on here. Glad to see some of my favorite people are still active!

Oh I have heard of Whaleshares, but I dont know anything about it. Is it something I should look into?

I would definitely recommend it if you like accumulating tokens and sharing content. :) You'd probably recognize a lot of people from Steemit and using allows you to post to both platforms at the same time. It is pretty interactive especially if you're on Discord.

I'm still scratching my head with some of the changes on Steemit because I've been away. Except for the market dropping (and obviously the earnings being affected) I'm really not up to date with what's happened or how it affects our accounts. Then again, I've heard something about bots and delegation but I was never really into those practices so... maybe I'm not feeling it? IDK.

Thank you. I know many people do delegate some of their stake for easy income from vote bots. Many folks also buy votes from these bots. I have not and dont wish to either! So I am just plodding along yet enjoying my time here. I will read up on Whaleshares. Many thanks.

This is why you are one of my people. LOL One might think that with the drop in earnings people might rely a little more heavily on human interaction and building up solid networks. I'd feel dirty if I had to buy votes. It feels morally wrong. Besides, I'd rather have comments and interaction than an empty upvote any day.

Merry Monochrome Monday to you all enjoy and be safe , i have found my relaxing coffee shop were i can have all my merry coffee's and enjoy the peace and just listen to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore :)

Monochrome Monday - The Cool Coffee Shop !!


These are super cool and I love what happens under the mistletoe ahhaha excellent and happy holidays !!

Heres mine

Merry MonochromeMonday and Merry Christmas! Lovely post. U+R

My entry can be found here:

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