Monochrome Monday - Sunny Day Coffee Shop and a sad Internet saga ... yelling, screaming, anticipated coffee and bodywork and guns ... what could possibly go wrong .. and cows.

in #monochromemonday7 years ago (edited)


This is where I will be tomorrow. Unless I'm at the Chiropractor, unless I'm at the message therapist.

Today I've been banging my head against the Internet disparity wall at our house.

Did I tell you that they've installed super high speed Internet (not cable, not DSL, faster) right down to the cow pasture across the street. AND THEN STOPPED. YES I'M YELLING! SCREAMING!

And have I told you that we can't get DSL, can't get cable Internet and we know better than to try satellite. Our cell signal has decent days and then really horrible days.

Can I tell you that I'm Not really great at dealing with stuff that runs slow? I know some comments have posted twice. I know some of my upvotes have failed.

So, I've made myself distracted by playing with photographs and manipulated a couple to death and then resuscitated them.

It will be a relief to at least be in town near a cell tower.

Anyway, about this photo ... I snapped it one Sunday because I liked the silhouettes. I was disappointed one girl's face lined up with the door frame but ... apart from yelling, "hey! Everybody freeze!" I wasn't going to get a better shot ...

Emmm should I mention that Kentucky is an open carry (gun) state? If that freaks you out, stay away. It's a little odd to get use to but nobody ever ever yells, "Everybody Freeze!"

If you come to visit me, I suggest just meeting me in town. Everyday is target practice day down in the hollers. No. It's not unsafe. It's just something city folk aren't comfortable with. People who own guns and don't do target practice - a dangerous waste.

Okay this has wandered all over. I'm going to push Publish, put this phone down on the cell phone signal booster, and go get ready for bed, and then come see if this plan resulted in a successful Publication.

Have fun

MonochromeMonday is the baby of @old-guy-photos :-)


Oh that would aggravated the heck out of me. You could talk to your closest neighbor with service and see about sharing the cost and getting a good antenna to connect to them.

Texas is open carry too but everyone seems to conceal carry.

Concealed carry is everybody that's not openly carrying. ... best way to think. Just know fer sure there's a rifle in the truck. Lol yeah, Kentucky is a lot more like Texas than one might first imagine. Hope life is treating you well ...
Oh nearest neighbor would be at least 1/4 mile.

I would say 90% of the people I know carry. I don't carry a rifle in my truck, I carry a shotgun 😉. I am very familiar with Kentucky, I have family in Owensboro and our states definitely agree on most things.

That 1/4 mile is no problem with the proper equipment! Internet has been out at our house for about 10 hours now and it is driving me crazy, even with 4G on my phone. I went and laid down in my bedroom and the 4G went to edge, I was not happy. I feel your pain to a small extent.

LOL trying to stay upright in my chair laughing so hard. Pretty sure the guys next to me wish I would quit laughing so much. Bible study.

Steemit is so dang funny this morning.

I'm very sorry for your struggle. Honest.

I mentioned your idea to my husband. First point, the Internet isn't live quite yet. Knew that. Second, line of sight might be tricky. Mostly a summertime issue. Third, it's going to be pricey and most of our closest neighbors are retired (or moving) ... So ... closest house might not be closest connection ...

And .... shhh ... just between us, we're waiting to see what the Fall Feasts of Yehovah bring this year. Fall Feasts: Feast of Trumpets, Day of Awe, Feast of Tabernacles, Last Great Day.

From Sept 22-ish to mid October is shaping up to be potentially an exceptionally interesting time.

The stars and planets, random and recorded prophecies, and other events are lining up in spectacular, spine-tingling, synchronicity.

But no. We aren't looking for "the rapture". We're thinking we might be in for a hike... or some other interesting diversion from our current lifestyle.

But who knows ... life could go on in it's current oddness. Then, we will worry more about an Internet solution.

Yes, I remember about your family. And that you know Kentucky. Just those other poor folk that don't know, need clues.

Shotguns are so highly handy. That scatter shot can be especially effective. Just ask Molly's groundhog. They sleep together now. I'm sure Molly is pleased.

Glad you are getting some humor out of steemit today! That Bible study group probably held a prayer with you as the main topic lol.

I look forward to the big event coming up!

Have a great day!

LOL Entirely possible. My husband has already talked them around all their circles and stepped out.

Their religion is convenient. Yehovah the work of Yeshua is not convenient.

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