monochrome monday — abstract thinking

My abstract photo today brings to mind a collage of sharp words with dark and shaded distinctions. As in life, there are clear lines, bends and wrinkles in understanding and interpretation — behind those shapes are blurred truths, the unseen origins.

Silly words cause trills
because they're ludicrous and funny.

Happy words paint endless smiles
and swallow troubles whole.

Thoughtful words are thus
because they make the day feel sunny.

But hurtful words are such
that pierce the heart and weigh the soul.

Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway

CategoryAbstract Photography
CameraNikon D3100
LensNikkor AF-S 18mm-55mm f/3.5 -36G
SettingsISO100 | 48mm | f/6.3 | 1/30s
LocationFlamborough, Ontario

Thank you @old-guy-photos
for initiating the #monochromemonday photo challenge.


I love your poem by Goodrich, so true in so many ways. Makes one think about how we approach each day. Never know about those blurred lines behind the scene. Wonderful shots Deb!

It's very true. Blurred words, memories, etc. all hide in the shadows. Glad you enjoyed the poetry and the photo. :)

See? It's fun. Well done, @countrygirl

You're a good teacher....thank you!

words and photos are elusive things because even when they complement each other they only hint at the mystery behind appearances. Your text speaks about patterns and your photo displays them but the poetry explores what things mean inwardly to us, and therein lies the mystery. Is it abstract art or the representation of reality?

I love the way closeup photography renders abstract images. Abstract photos are my faves.

You like abstract photos .... :) Glad you enjoyed this one !

They're like chisels, or strips of leather in a workshop, or sheets of slate - perhaps in trying to name them I'm somewhat missing the point haha. These opaque, unreflective surfaces certainly resist interpretation. I understand what you mean when you say there is something behind them, something that just cannot be summarised with a simile. Really fascinating post!

At least you tried....haha....they are like chisels and strips of leather too.....I like that. I I see them that way I'll have to come up with a different interpretation....but I suppose that was my message anyhow :)


Interesting shot. Bent pieces of sheet metal? I like the composition :-)

It's a christmas tree ornament :) Fancy eh?

So how come you had a Christmas tree ornament out at this time of year? I think the photo is fantastic !! You did a terrific job!!

They were on sale of course :) Need them. You know how that goes.....Thank you for such a nice comment. :)

This is quite fabulous! One of the best abstracts I have seen! You are an artist with that camera!

Mel!!!! That's soooooo nice. Thank YOU!!

Fantastic work in abstraction, Deb:) Awesome:)

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This is a really lovely photo! I love nice abstract macro work like that! :)

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